The Woman In blue

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I watched as her hopeful eyes scanned the platform searching the differently dispersed groups with determination as she got off the train. Her Royal Blue peacoat standing out in the midst of all the gray suits and Black and white styled dresses made as business wear. Her face morphed into a frown, my guess is she hadn't found what she wanted. Shoulders sagged, and posture deflated she made her way to a bench with all her belongings. She neatly set them beside her as she smoothed out her peacoat to take a seat. She checked her phone every so often, only to look back up with a blank face that showed a hint of anger and sorrow. Hours passed as she sat on that bench unmoving. At last she looked like she was going to leave, only to pick up the violin case I failed to notice. She adjusted it under her chin, elegantly grasped her Bow and gently slid it on the strings. Her melancholy music held her sadness as she continued to fill the train station with a bitter sweet symphony of melodies. People went about their business seeming unaware of her display. Her face held so much emotion. On the last note a single tear slid down her cheek as she resumed back to her previously deflated posture on the bench. Her Royal Blue peacoat now held creases from her violin and her lack of care as she reclaimed her seat. People continued to move around her. Time seemed to go in slow motion as I watched her look up and her face morphed into pure elation.  She dropped her beautiful violin and ran Across the platform to jump on an unsuspecting victim. The man quickly dropped his belongings to embrace her. The woman in the Royal blue peacoat and the man started talking animatedly, like good friends who haven't seen each other in ages. The woman in blue then started waving her hands wildly, frantically even, the man grabbed her hands in a begging manner. The woman in blue's face morphed into sorrow and longing, her body deflating once again. Everything happened so fast as she backed away from the man she showed utter disgust toward. The train's horn could be heard from the distance still oblivious she continued to move back until she fell over the platform onto the tracks. The man yelled for her, her name rang out unclear in the busy station. I ran out of the coffee shop as fast as I could, but I was too late the deed was done. The man was gone and the woman in blue was no more. I was in shock from what I had just witnessed. From the corner of my eye I spotted a piece of Royal Blue material being taken away by the wind. Quickly I snatched it from the air and noted it looked like the same material from the woman's peacoat. I shall never forget that day. I can still hear her bittersweet music on occasion filling the station. I still wonder what must have been told to her to have such a reaction. The man never came back to claim the woman or her belongings. She remains Unknown but not forgotten.

Observations of a Lonely WorldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora