Innocence is a curse (student/teacher love story)

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Have You ever loved someone?

Loved someone so much that it tore you apart from the inside to be away from them?

What if that love was forbidden?

Would you still go through with it? Make wrong choices that were right for you?

This is a story of what happens when you fall in love with someone forbidden.

It was the first day of September, first day back at school after a long and seemingly uneventful summer. The Jocks were flirting with other Jocks girlfriends, and the nerds were gazing at Melanie Jasmine’s long blonde hair and curvaceous body longingly.

I wasn’t interested in any of that crap. I was a loner, but in many ways, being alone is a bonus. You can go wherever you want, with no one there to question you. Plus, you got time to think about things.

As if right on cue, the bell rang. Unlike everybody else in the corridor, I didn’t groan in despair. Because, being the freak I am, I like school. So it wasn’t such a big deal for me.  I walked down the hallway to next class, which was history, the only class I disliked out of all my subjects. Mrs Hetty had always given me a hard time, telling me I wasn’t working hard enough. I found that horribly unfair, since I stayed up late sometimes just to do extra work.

I was aware, though, that we were to have a new teacher today, a young teacher called Mr. Ehler, because Mrs. Hetty had apparently gone round the bend, got OCD or something.

I actually couldn’t wait until history.

I reached History, and walked in quietly, trying not to attract attention to myself; head down, eyes down, shuffling along meekly.

But that was when my books fell. Everybody looked round, most sniggering under their breath.  I scrambled around stupidly, trying to pick all my books up as quick as I could.

That was when I noticed the teacher standing right beside me. I still didn’t look up; I only saw his feet.

“s-sorry sir”, I mumbled, cheeks going crimson, getting seriously hotter by the second.

Mr Ehler leant down to help me pick up my books. “it’s okay . you didn’t mean to drop the books.”

That was when our eyes connected.

I had never felt this feeling before. it was like an alien was invading my brain, forcing me to feel these strange feelings. Mr Ehlers sea blue eyes were like a bottomless ocean; utterly beautiful and full of knowledge. He had perfectly shaped lips, and his skin was pale and perfect, every feature in the correct proportion and place. His raven-black hair dangled over his eyes in a sexy, mystical way.

Mr Ehler was absolutely enthralling.

That was when I realised we hadn’t talked for a long time, and the silence was starting to get awkward. I dragged my eyes away from his, reluctantly, and forced myself to look down, cheeks blazing.

“sorry…..sorry sir”.

But I wasn’t sorry. Not in the slightest.

“it’s okay. No harm done, eh? I’d better get the class started, though, shouldn’t i?” he rambled, in a gorgeously rich british accent, a slow blush creeping onto his cheeks. And with that, he hurried over to his desk, a completely and utterly confused expression on his face.

He cleared his throat, and continued the class. He gave me the odd few scared glances, and once i caught him staring at me.

I knew how i felt about him, but there was one big worrying thought crossing my mind in neon colours:


Soo, Thats the first part! hope you liked it! oh and i'll be trying to upload as much as i can as soon as i can, so just bear with me! :) I won't be uploading the second part if there isn't sufficient interest in this:) Sooo....comment, whatever!:) love you all:)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2012 ⏰

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