Chapter 1 Introduction (How we were Made!)

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Hello. My name us Mia (Mea) And Im 14. When i was 12 We started to go to A church Called The Invatation. It was really a Kids church cause it was Kids comming from the prodjects and Ida Street. Well There was A family that Came and There Names Were Ms.Shine and Her three boys name Aj ,JE'Marius and Lorenzo. My mom became close friends with there mama. One day My friends came to our church and had been comming ever since. My friend Nautica and Jasmine .After Service Jasmine was telling us that She thaught JE'Marius was cute. And So Nautica admit that she liked Aj. Then they looked at me

"Who do u like?"

"Nobody. You Know im sticken with


I was going to a school called Pierce Street And i was Dating this Boy name Justin! He was really cute. We snuck and tlked on the phone . His mama died when he was younger and had other siblings. Anti way,

"Girl Justin probally cheating on you any way. "

"Why would u say that?"

"Nothing. "

"Go ask for his number!"

Jasmine and Nautica and I started to walk where they were before we approach i could feel JE'Marius looking at me so i looked up and our eyes caught. He smiled but i looked away cause i knew Jasmine wanted him.

"Hey wassup." Aj said staring at Nautica up and down .

I tell them." This is Jasmine and Nautica. They was wondering could.they get yhll number. Jasmine wants u. *I pointed to JE'Marius*

And Nautica wants u. *I pointed to Aj. And started laughing cause it was funny how they were looking.

Jasmine and Nautica got there number. And they started txtimg right when they got it. The next Sunday we all was there and Jasmine said that her and JE'Marius became offical. When she told me i sorrda was hurt.

But i really never knew if i really had feelings for. So my mom and his mom became really Close with their mammy. One day Ms.Shine invited us to Lorenzos birthday party wich was at their Grandma House right around the corner Her name was Ms.Lola she is a very nice young lady. And crazy. Lol. Lorenzo had just turned 12 and JE'Marius and Aj was playing Basketball so i decided to go over and play to even though i really cnt but it dont hurt to try.

"Hey can i play ?" I asked them.

"Naw Mia u suck at basketball!"Aj said to me.

"Shuddup i play better then u!" I exclaimed.

"Haha watever!" Aj replied.

*JE'Marius passed me the ball and said

"Lets see what u got."

I looked at him and smiled but he turned away.

So aj left and it was just me and Je'Marius. So we played one on one. Of course im loosing. Lol. So i was playing and relize that i was liking him alot. My body starting doing things . "I have something to tell u." I told him. "What?" He asked and he looked at me. I paused and held the ball and stared at him. So i said i cnt just tell u but im going to. I Shot the ball in the hoop and said "I"

Shot again "Like" And shot again "You"!

He looked at me and said i like u too but what about Jasmine. I felt like a mean friend. "Idk. Thats u! " The next Sunday we went to church and Jasmine was staring at me i knew right then JE'Marius had told her. She walked up to me and said "Hey Mia. " "Hey Jasmine,wassup?"

"Nothing guess what though?" "What?"

JE'Marius cut her off and asked her could they talk ,he looked at me and smiled but Nautica saw that time and so i looked away. I wouldve smiled back. So Jasmine came in Mad.  And Nautica asked whats wrong. Jasmine paused and Said JE'Marius had broke up with her. I sorrda felt bad but then i didnt. Lol. (at this point u think im fake and a little Brat!) After that they never came back. For two sundays. That second Sunday JE'Marius and I were official. Since Me and Him been official Nautica and Jasmine hasnt been there so I havnt told her. When they walked through the doors of the church ,She walked up to me and told me hey and eveything. So i was scared to tell her so i went to the bathroom. And when i opened the door. Aj approach me saying Jasmine wanted to tlk me and JE'Marius was looking for me.

"Mia!"Jasmine was calling me.

"What guh and quit yelling!"

"How u gone date JE'Marius after i dated him?"

"Guh dnt get all hyped and stuff cause it aint like yhll had sex and im sleeping with him. Yhll wasnt even real like that yhll was always playing games. And yhll didnt eveN see each other til sunday. Ik we friends and im sorry that happen like this. But He wanted me just as bad as  i wanted him. JE'Marius and Me been together since last sunday. And if u wouldve came i wouldve.been told u. !"

"U fake man. On God. !"

"Well u think that. U act like we was Best Frandd. We arnt i barely knew u. U was just a girl i knew from school and we just startred becoming close. Im sorry Jasmine!"

"Watever!" *i could tell in her eyes she was hurt . And im sorry that happen. Like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2015 ⏰

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