"Just how innocent are you Doll?"

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I, Noelle Baker, have been a college student for a month. In this said month nothing has happened. Nothing any different than high school. All day I get teased and treated rotten for being a innocent kid. It's not my fault I was raised like a woman, and I have morals.

Most of the guys here, hit on me the first day I was here, I respectfully turned them down, admitting that I believe my studies are more important than my social life.

Most people go to college to party, saying that college years are supposed to be the best ones. Well I believe that the best years are when I will be settled down with my family. While my husband and I both have decent paying jobs, so we can support our family.

Getting up out of bed is my least favorite thing to do. But it must be done, I do have a schedule to stick to.

This is why most people think I am weird. I want an education, its all I've ever been good at. I've never excelled at sports or choir. I'm only good at school work. If I didn't have school work, I wouldn't be good at anything.

My parents basically wanted me to have good grades, just so I could go to college and get out of their hair. The only thing that was holding me back from coming to college, was the whole, roommate thing. Gladly my parents sorted it out, so now I have a room by myself.


I get out of bed and look at my iPhone 6s, noticing that I'm right on time. I go to my closet and get out the hanger that has my clothes for today hung on it. A black long sleeved shirt with a white collar, a baby blue skirt, black knee socks, white vans, and my oh so fancy glasses.

I go to plug my curling iron in, while it is heating up I go to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast.

When I am done eating I assume the curling iron is hot, so I start. When I finish I pin my bangs to the side. Then, I put a swipe of mascara on my eyelashes and I'm good to go. I grab my backpack and head off to class.


Last class of the day, English.

All day I have heard people whispering about the hot new english teacher. But I just wonder why my old teacher would leave.

When I walk into class, I head right for the front row, my usual spot. I notice that the teacher still isn't here, which is odd. The teacher should always be here, especially this close to class starting. How unprofessional.

Suddenly, I hear girly gasps and even male gasps all throughout the room. I see what they are gasping about, the teacher. I have to admit that he is attractive. With his unstyled, untamed hair and his suit that is too tight on the arms and the bum, he has my palms sweating.

"Hello class, My name is Mr. Tomlinson, and I will be your new teacher," He says with an authoritative tone.

Raising my hand to ask a question, I wait till he calls on me,

"Yes, Miss, do you have a question?," he smiles at me. I smile in return,

"Yes Sir, I do," He nods his head, signaling that I may ask my question.

"Why are you our teacher now," I say trying not to offend him, I want to be on his good side.

"Well, Mr. Bishop, was old enough to retire so he did," he gives the class a little smile," He gives his sincerest apologies for, the short notice,"

"You guys may have a free day, to work on any homework in another class or just sit," he continues.

I pull out my Mathematical Logic homework and start to work on it. I get halfway down the page, before I see and paper wad fly across the room and hit Mr. Tomlinson, right in between his eyes.

As he stands up, the class falls silent. He doesn't look too happy.

"Who threw this paper wad?," He questions with no humor in his tone, as no one answers he gets impatient.

"I asked, who threw this?,"He sternly asks again.

Suddenly, I hear a boy yell,

"It was Noelle Baker," Almost the whole class yells in agreement. Oh, how I hate people.

"It wasn't me," I quietly say knowing that if anyone heard me they would end me.

"Are you Noelle?," Mr. Tomlinson glares at me, making me want to burst into tears.

"Yes sir, that's me," I nod my head a little, sadly looking down at the ground.

"I'll need to see you after class Miss Baker ," He nods heading back to his desk. Here we go.


The rest of class flys by, probably because I was counting the seconds, as they went by.

As the last person exits the room, Mr. Tomlinson follows him out, grabing the door and closing it.

"So Miss Baker, do you think it's funny to throw papers across the room?," His voice echoes, off the walls.

"No sir, that's ridiculous, I didn't throw that paper," I state in a tiny voice.

"Could you please come up to my desk, I cannot hear you, you need to speak up," He demands, while calling me to his desk with his long finger.

When I get to his desk, I lean against the corner of his desk closest to him. facing him I calmly say,

"Sir, those students blame everything on me, I am innocent I swear,"

When he doesn't answer right away, i look up, only to see him staring at me up and down, checking me out.

"Sir what are you-," I get shushed by Mr. Tomlinson, putting his finger on my mouth, in a hushed motion. He starts to move his finger down, curving it so it gets hung on my lower lip. He suddenly, sticks it in my mouth making me gag. In the same moment he grabs my jaw with the rest of his hand, bringing my ear to his mouth. He whispers,

"Just how innocent are you, doll?"



this book will have a lot of smut in it so if you don't like that, i suggest you leave. OR YOU CAN STAY.

anyways thanks for reading. I'll update soon.


Innocence. // l.tDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora