The Time

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The Time

Everyone has theirs

From everyday people to royal heirs

The time to learn to ride a bike,

Or go on a treacherous hike.

To break a leg or arm,

Or find their lucky charm.

Yours just happened to include more,

then a shell washing up on the shore.

From easy days to hard,

With more needed than a card.

It seemed like the journey would go on and on,

Like from midday to dawn.

Like it would never end,

For you my good friend.

You gave it a huge fight,

with all your might.

Showing it that you were the boss,

And not some dangling moss.

You gave to everyone before you,

Even to help tie a shoe.

You never would stop,

even when you could barely hop.

You were worth more than gold,

Even in the winter cold.

But it was your time like so many more,

Up where the rain starts to pour.

Up in the sky,

where you could learn to fly.

There are many who have you in their heart,

especially those who were with you at the start.

Even though your time down here came to an end,

Your legacy will never bend.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2012 ⏰

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