Chapter 1: A fresh start

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Wellston airport

08:16 PM

Johns 3rd person POV

John had just gotten off his flight from New Boston as he had made his way out the airport exit. he carried his luggage with him as he lets a sigh.

"*sigh* finally made it, now I just need to find my apartment" he says to himself as he begins walking towards a residential area. it was 30 minute walk from the school he would be attending. 

Once he got to the house he'd be staying at, he checked his back pocket for the keys until he quickly realizes........he never had them to begin with 'oh crap! I don't have them and the retailer never told me where the keys would be!' John thinks to himself as he begins to panic. after a couple of seconds, he finds the keys under the door mate as he sighs in relief. he picks them up and unlocks the door, stepping inside to his new living space. he had already sent the furniture so moving in would only take a few minutes. after fully moving in he came to a sudden realization.

"Danm it, I forgot to call dad once I landed, better late then never" he says annoyingly to himself as he picks up his phone, calling his father and telling him he had moved into his new place in Wellston. after he ends his call with him he then gets into a grey tank top and black shorts with a white stripe running down one leg. and with that, he heads to bed for the night.

Johns room

06:30 AM


The alarm had gone off as John presses the snooze button on top of it as it shuts off. He sat up in his bed, his hair was a mess even though it was like that the other day. he looked at the time as he started to panic "IM GONNA BE LATE!!!" he yells out as he shoots out of bed, grabbing his school uniform and throwing it on, he packed up his bag and he looks in a mirror, thinking to himself 'I wonder if I should gel my hair like dad does? ACK! no time' he forgets about sense there wouldn't be enough time to gel his hair. he ran out the door and made his way to his new school

Wellston Private High School

07:03 Am

John had arrived at the gates of the school as he stopped to catch his breath after the run he just did. sweat running down his cheek as he stands up straight. he walks towards the entrance and made his way to the headmasters office. Once he made it, he entered the room to see a man with green hair and lighter green eyes, he also had a pair of rectangular glasses. this was head master Vaughn.

"Ah, John! glad you could join us" he says enthusiastically as he looks over to the raven haired boy.

"thanks for the welcome. Is there anything else I needed to do before attending classes?" he asks 

Vaughn shook his head "no there isn't, we got that all cleared up....however John" his tone became more serious as he looked to John with a stern expression. "can you promise that the events from New Boston wont transfer to Wellston?"

"I cant make any promises that I will, but...I will try to keep that from happening" he started having a small flashback of the time he brutally beat half his class and two of his once closest friends.

Vaughn nods and gestures for John to head to class "very well, be careful with your actions though John" he says to him. john nods and leave the room and begins walking to class.

John stepped in knowing full well that he was late. The teacher looked over to him a little surprised as she says "O-Oh  I almost forgot, I know its a little late in the year but we have a new transfer student, come over and introduce yourself" 

He nods as he steps to the front of the class as he introduced himself "Hello everyone, my name is John. i'm looking forward to meeting you all" he though was such a cringe intro. he went to take his seat in the middle of the room

Skip to the end of class

'Alright, next up is math' he thinks to himself as he was packing his bag, a small smile plastered onto  his face. a girl with long light blue hair and green eyes walked up to John.

She starts off with a cheerful and happy tone "Hi John!' he looks over to her as she continues. "I'm Elaine, welcome to Wellston!" John thinks to himself that she is super cute as his cheeks came to be a little flushed. Elaine didn't seem to notice though.

"Hows your first day so far?" she asks in a friendly mater 

John replies while ribbing the back of his head "not bad, I guess.."

"wonderful! So which school did you transfer from?" he didn't want to say anything so he came up with the quickest thing he could think of " erm, I was actually homeschooled before this!"

some of the students overheard this and were surprised, even Elaine was surprised herself "Woah really?! we never had one of those before..." she remarks as john chuckles slightly, he was surprised to know his lie actually worked "yeah! Iwas getting lonely so I wanted to try something new" 

"Well youve come to the right place!" however... Johns day was about to go downhill once she asks him "so John.....what kind of ability do you have?"  the entire class stared at John, waiting for an answer as he stood there with a droplet of sweat running down his face.


982 words were used 

Thank you guys so much for reading this first chapter of my fanfic, I will try my best to post as many chapters as possible for you guys so stay tuned in for new chapters. see you all soon!

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