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"There's your girl Hap." Gemma gestured towards the redhead that had just stepped in the door to the clubhouse.

Happy smirked.

But gruffly replied "She's not my girl."

"Whatever." Gemma rolled her eyes.

Happy watched Candy as she made her way across the clubhouse, greeting both croweater and members with a smile. She plopped down on the other end of the bar.

"Chuckie can I get a beer?" She asked with a smile.

"Are you sure you're old enough to drink?" Jax joked putting a hand on her shoulder. She stuck her tongue out at him.

Candy and Happy had been hooking up for awhile and everyone treated her like an old lady - even though they both insisted it wasn't anything more than sex.

"I'm twenty-three thank you very much!" She told the President matter-of-factly.

"Whatever you say darlin'." Jax laughed.

"C'mon boys we need to have a few words before this party gets started." He called.

Happy nodded her way before making his way into the chapel. Candy smiled into her beer. It was still kind of early so there weren't a lot of people around yet.

Gemma slid onto the barstool beside of her.

"So what's your story?" She asked.

Candy had been around long enough to know that Gemma was very straightforward.

"I'm a stripper at The Flash in Oaktown." She paused to take a drink of beer.
"I've been on my own since I was 16."

"Shitty homelife?" Gemma questioned.

"Not really. My parents were hardasses and I was a bratty ass kid. I didn't want to be controlled so I took off. They didn't look too hard though." Candy explained.

"I know how that is." Gemma nodded. Her own story was pretty similar. "What about you and Hap? I know you're fucking but is that all?" She pushed.

Candy shook her head.

"No. Thats it. Well he's fixed my shitty car more than once." She laughed. "Hap really isn't the settle-down type and I'm not exactly old lady material."

"Whatever you say." Gemma shook her head. She had never seen Happy sleep with the same girl more than once. He looked at Candy the same way Jax looked at Tara sometimes. She was convinced they were meant to be together - but obviously neither one of them new it yet.

"Hey! Wanna play?" Ratboy asked, two pool sticks in his hand.

"Sure." Candy finished her beer and tossed it in the trash before taking a stick and following the pool stick. She beat Ratboy twice before the Chapel doors flew open and the guys walked out - obviously their meeting went well because everyone was grinning and laughing.

Happy found himself looking for Candy as soon as he cleared the chapel doors. He tensed a little when he saw her with Ratboy. But he shook it off and sat down at the bar.

The clubhouse was starting to fill up, the music was loud and the booze was flowing. Candy beat Ratboy a third and final time before he finally gave up.

"You're too damn good." He sighed.

"I used to hustle pool to pay my rent." She told him.

"You could've told me that before I lost my ass to you." Rat complained.

"You didn't ask." Candy laughed. She shook her head and made her way too the bar. She was waving down Chuckie when a tattooed hand snaked around her and held a beer infront of her face. She turned and smiled

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