cast (updated)

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emilia camilla diaz
- 17 years old
- good girl
- tries to hid her party side but anyone who knows her knows that she's the freaky one
- jasmina's best friend

emilia camilla diaz- 17 years old- good girl- tries to hid her party side but anyone who knows her knows that she's the freaky one- jasmina's best friend

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jasmina alexa ruiz
- 17 years old
- a slut
- hooks up with every guy at her school
- emilia's best friend

jasmina alexa ruiz- 17 years old- a slut- hooks up with every guy at her school- emilia's best friend

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jabez, diego martir, & blesiv as themselves

mine | babydiego/diego martirWhere stories live. Discover now