Heart Eyes

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You took a deep breath before knocking on MJ's apartment door, wishing the nerves in the pit of your stomach would go away. You weren't even sure why you were nervous- MJ was your girlfriend, it wasn't like you hadn't been on a date with her before.

The door swung open and you were greeted by your beautiful girl, dressed in black jeans and a white t-shirt with black lettering that read 'we should all be feminists' along with a black jean jacket. Although she wore this type of outfit nearly every day, the sight took your breath away. She didn't wear a lot of makeup and her hair was down in loose curls. It was your favorite look on her. She looked so beautiful in the simplest way.

"Hi." You breathed, eyes scanning over her tall frame.


"You look really pretty." You blurted out as MJ's eyes widened in response.

"Y/N I wear this like..all the time." She chuckled, making you smile.

"I know I just- you're really pretty." MJ felt her heart beat a little faster in her chest. Even after seven months of dating, hearing you call her pretty, gorgeous, or any variation of the word made her heart beat faster and butterflies filled her stomach. Even though she didn't love being so open and honest with her feelings, she never passed up on the opportunity to tell you how beautiful you are. To her you were the most beautiful girl in the universe- nothing could even come close to you.

"You're prettier." She grinned, reaching her hand out for yours.

"Babe," You sighed, lacing your fingers with hers. "We've had this discussion."

"That won't change my mind. You're prettier. You ready to go or are gonna stay here talking about this in my doorway all day?"


MJ didn't love PDA. She didn't like calling attention to herself so when she could avoid it, she did. So whenever you and MJ walked to your favorite bookstore and cafe, the two of you would walk side by side, allowing your hands to gently brush up against each other.

Today was no different. The sun was shining down on the streets of New York, your hand brushed up against hers and for a minute you were tempted to lace your fingers together once again but resisted, not wanting to make MJ uncomfortable.

"What type of books are you gonna look at this time?" Her voice ripped you from your thoughts and you glanced up at her, squinting in the sunlight.

You shrugged. "Probably a crime book. Or maybe history. Who knows?"

MJ smiled softly. She knew what kind of books you'd look at, she was just very observant of you whenever you went to the store. She just found your shrug (and your answer) adorable.

"MJ, sweetheart, you in there?" This time it was your voice pulling her from her thoughts.

"Hm? Yeah sorry I zoned out." You rolled your eyes jokingly.

"You're such heart eyes for me, Jones. I saw the way you were looking at me. What books are you looking at this time?" You teased. It was her turn to roll her eyes jokingly.

"Shut up. Not my fault you're so cute." You grinned. "Answer the question."

"True crime. For sure. Maybe something about a serial killer. Or an unsolved murder."

"No conspiracies this time?" She shook her head.

"Can't let the government see that I'm checking out too many conspiracies. They'll have to take me out cause I know too much." She told you, smiling when you laughed a little bit.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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