Saturday, September 1

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I will shop some new fashionable clothes and lip gloss at the mall today! Me and Jessica will meet up at Teen's Fashion Store next to the cinema. My mom drop me to the food court and gave 5 hours to hang out with Jessica while she shops with my sister Amanda.

Me and Jessica found a super pink and puple skirt. Jessica pick the green one and I pick the blue one to match my eyes.

I saw a new lip gloss called blueberry dream lip gloss. Jessica bought a new perfume called Blossom green. We only got 3 hours left so we decide to eat at the Crazy Burger.

I saw Chloe and Zoey at the cinema buying tickets. I saw their cute dress and purse I totally love it!. I step towards them and ask where did they buy those cute dresses. But the Movie is about to start so they didn't answer fast.

Jessica told me a new student in school name Nikki Maxwell. I was totally shock that she is from a public school what a loser.

I finally eat my favorite burger and Have a little new hairdo at Sassy's Salon.

I saw Brandon at Teen's Boy Shop! SQUEEEEE! He was with Theo and Marcus. Wait a minute, he was hanging out with those dorks from superfreaks!

I saw Mom and Amanda at the Book store. I asked mom if I can have 3 more hours to stay at the mall. But Mom didn't agree.

As I was at my room. I read my 5 magazines that dad bought yesterday. I saw 3 steps to be more fashoinable girl

Step 1: Buy some cute clothes in a teen store not it the cheap store

Step 2: Always visit a Salon that serves a beautiful make up

Step 3: Always walk like a model.

Omg! I will try this at Monday. I was thinking what will I do tomorrow.

Maybe a little swim at the pool will be so relaxing.

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