Chapter 1

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This a TheFamousFilms AU! That does not mean that this is canon! This is also MY AU if you would like to use it on any other website including this one please make sure you give credit! (Also Bryan is 11 in this and Jon is 29 in this AU)

Warnings: Violence, insane people, bad words (curse words)


No One's POV: (10 years earlier)

It was raining at night when he was walking back to his house when he heard crying coming from the alleyway on his right. He looked in the alleyway and found a little baby boy in a cardboard box with only a blanket.

(Present day)

"GET YOUR A*S IN HERE!" He yelled throwing a beer bottle against the wall right as Bryan entered the room. Bryan didn't say anything and simply waited for him to tell him what he needed. "Get me another vodka!" He shouted, almost hitting Bryan.

He left the living room and went into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of vodka for him before closing the fridge and returning to his side to give him the bottle. 

He took the bottle from Bryan's hands and turned to him with his pocket knife, "Be faster!" He said before cutting into Bryan's arm a little bit. Bryan let out a little yelp before going back into the basement, where he stayed until he told him he could go to sleep.

When morning came Bryan heard the familiar sound of a car pulling up. Bryan thought it was him so he left the basement and went to go unlock the door. Once he unlocked it he was faced with someone he didn't know. The man in the doorway was wearing sunglasses, a dark uniform, had a shiny badge, and this thing on his side that Bryan couldn't recognize.

"Is this Jon L/N's house?" The man said as Bryan tilted his head in confusion. The man waited a few seconds before he spotted the cut on Byran's arm and grabbed Bryan's arm so he could examine the injury.

Bryan let out a small yelp at this and the man quickly caught on that Bryan was hurt with a weapon of some kind. He said, "Go with that other guy over there ok?" Pointing at the other man who was dressed just like him. Bryan nodded and went to the other man who told him to get in the back of the car and wait for them. Bryan did as he told and waited for them to come and tell him when he could leave.

After a few minutes, he heard some yelling coming from inside the house and saw one of the men dragging Jon out of the house. 

Once they put Jon into the other car the officer that dragged Jon out of the house walked over to the second officer and talked with him for a few seconds before they opened the door for Bryan. "Please step out of the vehicle so we can ask you a few questions." Bryan stepped out of the car and onto the concrete looking up at the two officers. "What's your name and how old are you?" One asked, Bryan as he looked at that officer, "Bryan and I'm 11" he answered as the officer wrote that down. "What's your relationship to Jon L/N?" He asked, which Bryan responded with a head tilt.

The other officer asked the officer with the notepad, "What does that mean?" "I think he's confused." The notepad officer asked, "Do you know who that is?" He asked Bryan as Bryan opened his mouth to give a response, "No." The other officer asked Bryan, "What's 1+1?" To which Bryan once again tilted his head.

Bryan heard him say to the other officer "He isn't educated then." Bryan once again tilted his head in confusion as the officer with the notepad wrote on his notepad. The one with the notepad pointed towards the car that held Jon and said, "Who's that man in the car?" Bryan looked at the car that held Jon and looked back at the officer responding with, "Father." The officers looked at each other with concern before saying, "Alright please get back inside the car, we're gonna go for a little ride." Bryan stepped inside the car as they proceeded to take him to the station.

They found out he had grown insane and was slowly losing his sanity the longer he stayed there. Along with the fact that he was indeed uneducated and physically and mentally abused. They sent him into the insane asylum after the incident and put him in a straight jacket to keep him from hurting himself on his arms and legs. 

They found cuts and bruises all over him and had to get medical help for him. 

A few months later

"They're coming to take me away HAHA! They're coming to take me away HAHA! In their white coats and masks! He's hiding his flasks!" He sang over and over as he banged his head against the blank walls, decorating them with the crimson color of blood. 

The "white coats" as he said rushed in and put him to sleep after injecting him with something.

And he woke up again a few hours later.

He sat there and didn't do anything but stare at the blank walls of the room.

It was a prison.

A prison for those who never received help when they needed it most.

A prison for those who received help too late.

A prison for those who were just like him.

And there was no escape...

Or was there?

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