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My shadow is a fairy.
Her heart is fair but true.
Dark and frigid are her waters.
Her mind an endless tune.

I am the fairies wings.
Never will I stop.
I will rise where I have fallen.
It may take a lot.

The forest sings haunting lullabies.
As fireflies mourn their last goodbyes.

My soul's a long and winding road.
Changing each moment to the next.
It's strength a test, that never rests.
Seldom what lies beneath is obvious.

Forever my will marches on.
In this war to overcome.
My feelings, life, light and plight.
Unclear which path I'm on.

Trembling hands long for happiness.
Shrouded, unsure, in jaded mist.
But still I attempt to catch it before its gone.
As I walk this tightrope in which I hope to balance on.

A Pisces PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now