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Hi readers, I'm Sunmi.
This is my first fic ever and I hope you guys will like it. I know there are mistakes as English isn't my first language but I hope that you'll still read it 'till the end.

I sigh for the nth time for what seems like forever, but in reality is just a few minutes. I've been trying to put the melody in my head into beats but it won't get out. It has been days since I began working on it but I'm not still getting nowhere with it. To say that I'm frustrated is an understatement, my stress level is unbelievably high, I'm sure of it. 

The others have been trying to reach me but I put my phone on silent and by now I'm pretty sure it's dead. I feel bad for ignoring them but they should know better than anyone that I don't like it when they spam me with useless shit even though they know I'm still working.
If I'm being honest, I miss them but it can't go home just yet, not before I'm done with this. I sigh again thinking of how I should be asleep in my comfortable bed after eating Jin-hyung's delicious food instead of here, sitting in front of those screens and cramped in this studio littered with some of my empty plastic coffee cups and energy drinks as well as some junk food bags. I took a deep breath, hoping it will ease some of my nerves when I got a whiff of me and I nearly faint at how much I stink.
I decide there and then to go home and get some rest and a very much needed bath, this song can still wait but my body and peace of mind can't.

It was late in the afternoon  when I arrived home, the maknaes are playing games on the couch while Hoseok and Namjoon are scrolling on their phones, so I guess Jin-hyung is in the kitchen, judging by the wonderful smell wafting in the air and by his absence of course.
I better take a shower now before diner is ready then.

After a good scrubbing in the shower I feel so much better, I decide to change in some comfortable clothes but upon looking in my closet I feel like my usual clothes aren't what I want. I feel like wearing something fluffy and bright or pastel and I don't own anything like that, I only own dark colored clothes and white T-shirts.  I sigh heavily thinking of where I can find something to wear, plopping on my bed my eyes drift to Jin-huyng's closet and my eyes lit up with excitement knowing he have some really cute pink sweater. I took one, and then look for some short in my closet before putting on some cute socks, fortunately I have some that are knee-length. Satisfied with my outfit I went down to wait for diner with the others.

I walk down the stairs, my head filled with thought of homemade food and how I'm going to enjoy it after eating so many junk foods in the studio. I was oblivious to how the other members gaped at me, as I made my way happily to the kitchen to assist Hyung.
He turned to me the moment I enter the kitchen and smile at me fondly, it makes me feel special because I know this smile was only reserved for me.

"Hi hyung, do you need help? "
"Hi Yoongi-ah. I don't need help but you can sit there and keep me company if you'd like. "
"Okay hyung. "

I sit there and watch him preparing our food,  patiently waiting to be served.

Meanwhile in the living room everyone still hasn't gotten over the fact that their second hyung has passed by wearing cute clothes making him look so tiny and very adorable.

"That was real, right? "
"Yes, Hobi-hyung it was real, we also saw it. " said Jungkook who still has his eyes riveted to the kitchen like he's waiting for Yoongi to pop out suddenly.
"He looks so cute. And very small, I want to cuddle him. "
"Me too, Jimin, me too. " Taehyung said with a far away? expression as though he is seeing himself doing that to his hyung already.

Namjoon don't say anything as he looks at them talking excitedly about how Yoongi will look cuter in some clothes or whatnot but he's not really focused on that.
He had observed his hyung a lot when he got the chances and he had a suspicion but he decided to keep it for himself.
But now seems to be a good occasion to tell the others about it so let's see what they think about it.

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