I Want to Help You get Your Stories Out

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Hello and welcome to my random typing.
I am a person who loves to type. I could type all day if I wanted to. In my future I want to type out a whole bunch of different stories for people to read. The problem is I have trouble coming up with the amazing ideas for the stories. What I know is that there are these amazing people who have these amazing stories that they want to get out and share with the world. They just might not know how to get their stories and their ideas out there though.

I'm here to tell you that I would be honored to type out your stories and upload them to Wattpad. I will not take any credit for the stories or characters that are created by you wonderful creatures, and will gladly give you your credit for the story. I will also do all of this free of charge. All you have to is leave a comment that says you have a story that you want out and I will get to you as fast as I can

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