Blushing virgin

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 Marv looked into her face expecting her to laugh or call it a joke, pat his head, and send him to bed but all he saw was a decision.

"But your... I... But I can't..."

He forgot how to speak, didn't know what to say. His heart beat fast and hard in his chest. Could she hear it thundering?

"That woman who called you names mocked you, and compared you to a blushing virgin," Charm said in a low voice

She could feel her cheeks in rage remembering her cruel words about Marv's past love interest.

How she had laughed off the innocence and kindness of her good friend.

"Someone like you would only suffer by the side of such a rotten person." She meant it with all her heart

Marv blinked twice, feeling her breath on his face. It smelled of wine and honey

Her lips were so close and full; her eyes dark and gleaming; warm palms on his face.

His eyes darted down to her full round breasts rising and falling with her calm steady breathing. She was not nervous at all.

"So?" she asked, licking her lips softly like savoring prey.

"Am I good enough? Will you entrust this burden to me?" Her palms were warm and soft, they smelled of soap.

Marv took her hands in his and lowered them from his face.

"I am not a woman," He said almost in defiance, the comparison used to hurt him engraved too deep. "You don't have to protect me, to gentle me through it. If I am bad you will hurt or be bored. A bad time all around..."

Charm laughed and it sounded like wind chimes to his not-drunk-enough ears.

"Sex Is always a pain, then it becomes a pleasure. Sometimes it's hard to know the difference" There was a weight to her voice, a feeling of detachment that came with those who live jaded lives.

Freeing her hands from him, she began to undress the bottom half of her body without breaking eye contact. Her gaze was so intense he wanted to look away but could not.

"Fucking Is always brutal. Not violent but brutal. Aren't we animals after all?" His smile gleamed like a predator.

Dropping her panties to the floor she guided his hand to her awaiting crotch, wet and hot.

Marv felt the pressure of his erection against his pants and Charm's hand locked onto the bulge firmly. He flinched in surprise.

"I don't..." he began and stopped, biting his bottom lip. "I don't know what to do..."

Shame and shyness crossed his face and he lowered his gaze to her pubis where a soft garden of black hair grew. Fragrant and damp. He removed his hand from her sex. In the orange light of a distant lamp, it glistened.

"Let me fuck you," she whispered close enough to his ear to send shivers down his spine. She bit his earlobe gently and caressed his neck with her tongue.

He wanted to kiss her. He had never wanted to kiss someone so badly.

She lay him down on the floor and undressed him patiently, running her hands up and down his thighs and stomach.

Where she touched, he shivered.

"Your legs are so long and slim. So pretty." Charm cataloged his looks

She said It as a compliment but he remembered all the times his slim figure had been mocked, compared to the delicacy of a woman; long legs, soft hands, small waist. But now, to him, in her voice every comparison sounded like words of love.

She took a second to admire him, such a pure creation she was about to make a mess of. It was never her intention, the possibility catching her by surprise, but one does not wake up every morning expecting a gift.

Kneeling over his closed legs, both secured in the space between hers, she lowered her face to his groin. Breathing in she licked the shaft of his penis softly, methodically, trying for sensitivity. His whole body jumped slightly, startled, and he brought his hands up to cover his face. She liked this version of little Marv she did not know.

"Can..." he whimpered softly behind the safety of his hands. Can I kiss you?..."

Charm sighed, a low deep exhale. "Marv," she said patiently, "I am sorry. I can't stand to kiss."

With this, she took him in her mouth and began to suck loudly, without mercy, brutally, like a starving man trying his first meal in too long.

She sucked his cock for dear life.

He moaned and panted; distorted words tried to escape tight lips. His eyes opened wide gaping at her through splayed fingers.

With one hand she pinched his nipple, hard. He gasped. The burning on his chest made the pleasure in his sex erupt, an explosion intensify the extasis

Charm massaged her clit with a paused motion lubricating her vagina. She was about to get up to penetrate herself when a sudden body spasm made Marv come into her mouth without a warning. She swallowed in surprise and wiping her mouth she raised her head.

Her companion was a mess, shivering and panting, a delicate sweat covered his body. His cock contracted slightly again and again.

"I'm sorry," he groaned ln a miserable voice. "I'm sorry... I couldn't..." he trailed off, embarrassed.

Charm had not expected much, It was his first time after all.

"Why are you sorry, Marv?" she said, patting His leg gently. "Did It feel good?"

He nodded without looking at her.

"Then I am happy. She smiled brightly at him with wet, swollen lips, red from the suction. She wanted to ask him to continue, after all, she had promised to fuck him but lost her courage.

The moment had passed.

The whole idea was to get her dear friend to stop crying, not to make him cry more.

Charm dressed calmly and sitting beside Marv she moved him to rest his head on her lap.

"Are you mad?" he asked innocently, like a child who has been scolded.

Charm shook her head and in a soft voice said, "No, should I be mad?"

He shrugged turning on his side to hug her waist. He could smell her sex on her hands as she ran them through his hair.

"I told you, as long as you feel good, I'm happy, so please don't cry.

I won't do this again if you don't want me to." (I think this is the same person speaking, but I am not sure.)

She sighed again, "One day you will find the right girl." She closed her eyes. It was late AND she was tired. "She will be kind and nice and cute like you. She will let you kiss her whenever you want and won't be ashamed to hold your hand in public."

His heart felt warm imagining such a girl.

"You will do all kinds of things together and make love daily, and you will forget the day you were 25 and some brute tried to fuck you."

Marv Let go of her waist and sitting up looked Charm in the eye with a hurt expression. "You are not a brute and I will not forget.

He was so serious and had such intention in his voice, charm could not help but laugh. Was this Man/boy for real? "Ok, ok," she said patting his cheek. "You will always remember when your heart was broken at 25 and a brute failed to fuck you."

He considered this for a moment and, satisfied, gave a shy smile. "I will," he said.

Feeling suddenly embarrassed, Marv began to dress clumsily.

"I am going to bed little Marv," Charm announced in a tired voice.

He nodded and watched her walk away thinking to himself how complicated it can be to try to love when all you can give is your body. And to himself, he thanked that brute of a friend for her kindness that came not from pity, lust, or belonging but the desire to stop a friend's heartache.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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