Yami's Insanity

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The young boy couldn't believe his eyes, right there before him was his beloved friend, Atem, stained and covered in blood. This blood was not his own, nearby on the ground laid everyone he knew, Anzu, Honda, Jounochi, even his beloved grandfather and Bakura, all of them lifeless and motionless. The tri-colored boy looked at Atem in horror and shock, he never imagined his Atem could do such a thing, why did he do this?!

"Atem, what have you done?!" Yugi shouted, trying to keep his voice from shaking.

A sinister smile made it's way onto his yami's face, this was not his yami, his yami was kind and caring! He still loved his friends!

"Simple my dear aibou, I took care of the others." Atem purred all too wickedly as he approached his hikari.

"Took care of them?! But why Atem?!" His violet eyes were starting to swell with tears.

"Because they were taking you away from me!" Atem shouted and gave Yugi a cold glare, the eye of Horus glowing on his forehead briefly.

Yugi cringed from the harshness in his yami's words, and slowly backed away. The taller would have none of it however; he would not let his beloved hikari run away! He lost him once and will not allow that to happen another time! He pinned his hikari against the wall, roughly.

"Atem stop!!" Yugi screamed as his back hit the wall, he was truly terrified.

"You are not leaving me Yugi! I lost you once I refuse to let that happen again! You are mine and only mine!" Atem hissed into Yugi's ear, the bitterness made Yugi shiver.

Yugi began to sob, he tried to stop but he couldn't, he was so afraid. What happened to his Atem?

"Shh, it's ok aibou, I would never hurt you." His voice turned soft as he hugged his hikari, "I can't stand the thought of losing you my hikari."

Yugi just kept sobbing, he thought he knew his yami, he thought Atem would never hurt anyone, he thought his yami was a good person.

"You bastard!" Yugi screamed.

This shocked the taller male and he looked at his hikari.


"You bastard! How could you do this Atem?!" Yugi looked at his yami with a hated look.

"Because I love you my hikari." He reached to stroke the younger's face and Yugi smacked the hand away.

"This isn't how you go about doing that Atem! How dare you say those words to me after doing that!" He pointed past Atem at the scene.

"But Aibou-"

"No! You are not my friend Atem, you are nothing but a psycho, I can't believe you did this!" Yugi managed to set himself free and ran out of the house.

Atem stood there, staring at the wall and soon another wicked smile appeared on his face.

"You will see it my way soon, my little aibou."

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