What Just Happened? (H's POV)

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I move around my home in Chicago. My mother walks up to me tears in her eyes as she speaks, "Liam, I'm really sorry, but you need to leave our home. The bots are coming for you."

"But, Mama! You can't do this to me!" I beg on my knees.

"You know that this wasn't my decision, Baby, but you have to leave," my mom said giving me a suitcase of my things, and shoving me out the door. I can never return.

A gust of warm wind blows behind me a shiver running up my spine. I see a flash of orange eyes looking at me through the woods. She looked frightened and startled, but then immediately soothed when she saw my face.

She ran out from inside the woods and embraced me in her arms.

"Where's Graser?" I ask her hugging her back.

"He left me for them. He betrayed me," she whispered into my ear. There was a slight falter in her voice. I look into her tear-stained eyes tucking her hair behind her ears.

"It's going to be alright Flame," I tell her. "You don't need them. It can be just me and you." She sniffs and nods.

"I can't talk to you though. I told you that I didn't want to talk to you, or see you," she tells me.

"Then why are you here?" I shake my head confused.

"I came to warn you. Before Graser ditched me we were talking about finding you and," she gulps, "killing you."

Killing me? "What?" I ask shocked.

"Now all that we have to do in order to get Graser back in check is somehow get the others on our side. I've heard they've recruited a few new members in order to replace us,  and told them that we're the enemy."

"Okay. So in order to do that what should we try to do?  I mean, we have no idea where they are and-" she cuts me off.

"I know where they are, but it's going  to be a bit of a climb." she says smiling.

"You lead the way!" I say surprised.

Flame takes my hand and we go the opposite direction than the way that she approached me. I pull her back and smirk creating a hover board with my feet. She smirks and does the same but hers is made of obsidian.

We ride the boards for what seems like forever, but soon enough she hops off in front of a huge mountain cliff. She knocks on the side of the mountain in a sort of pattern-like way, and the mountain reveals a hallway.

We step inside and I turn my head and see two smallish black cameras. We continue walking although within minutes I see someone that I've never seen before. "Stop!" he says halting us. "Who are you and why are you here?"

"Well, I'm Flame and this is H and we're here to stop Graser. Again. Well, the first time kind of failed, but this time it won't. When we get our hands on him he'll never see the light of day," Flame says nodding and slightly pounding her foot against the floor.

"Let me guide you to the chief. Let me see if he'll let you be on our team, but I'm warning you it takes a lot to take Graser down. I'm Kevin by the way," he says introducing himself.

"Well," I begin, "We've already introduced ourselves to you. May I ask who your chief is?"

"Our chief is a man by the name of Tofuu," Kevin says and I hear Flame sigh.

I try to send her a message through her brain. "Do you know him? Is he nice?" I ask her.

"Yes he's nice, but when we were fighting Dul in the very beginning when Will saved me he was nowhere to be found, but I hope that he lets us back into our clan," she sends a message back.

I nod her way as Kevin leads us to Tofuu's room. Kevin halts us, and goes in first halting for a moment shutting the door behind him. I hear muffled talking behind the door. Kevin then comes out nodding at us to go inside. "Let me go in. I think that he'll be more understanding if I go," Flame says.

"No, we're both going in. Now let's go," I say determined. We enter the room and Tofuu looks up and locks eyes with Flame.

"Hey, it's been a while now hasn't it?" he says to Flame.

"You could say that," Flame replies.

"So I heard your little dilemma. I'd love to let you both back in on one condition," Tofuu decides.

"What would that be? We'll do just about anything to be on your side again," I say.

"I want Flame," he simply says. I look over to Flame and her eyes slightly widen as she moves closer to him. She takes a deep breath and I watch in confusion as she straddles his waist. Their faces move closer until she takes Tofuu's face into her hands and collides their lips together. I watch in discomfiture as the kiss gets deeper and their faces get redder than usual as Flame breaks the kiss and moves back to my side.

"So?" Flame asks afraid that she kissed Tofuu for nothing.

"You're in," he says smiling, getting up, and leading us to a red button that he presses. I follow Flame and Tofuu into a large room where Parker, Straub, and Grape sit on a black leather couch. The others arrive within minutes and file into spots on the side couches. As soon as they see us they run after us, but Tofuu shields us when they come in.

"Why are they here?" Straub asks in his Australian accent.

"I thought they are the enemy!" Grape says, and I see Flame look down at her feet.

"Quiet!" Tofuu says sternly, and a silence rings throughout the room not a single voice in the air. "So I have an announcement to make. As of today, June 24, 2035, Flame and H are now a part of our squad again. Welcome them back with a round of applause!" I hear claps and whistles as Tofuu walks over to two out of the three glass cases along the wall. He pulls up the cases and takes the watches and clothing and hands the us the skintight black body suits, and our watches. "Now, be on with your duties, and I will show them to their rooms. I watch as Flame follows Tofuu out the door, and I follow unsure of what will happen now that we've joined what I once thought as the rebellion.

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