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hello readers,
I have been taking time to gather my thoughts, emotions, and feelings in order to talk about the occurring event in the USA. On memorial day 2020,  George Floyd, an innocent man, was murdered at the hands of an officer. Bystanders had begged and pleaded with him to take his knee off Floyd's neck and he refused which led to his death.
The Black Lives Matter movement had been one I am passionate about. I have friends that are part of the Black community and they have stressed their worries to me and everyone in my friend group.
I, as a 17-year-old Latina in the United States of America, stand with the Black Lives Matter Movement. I want justice for George Floyd. I won't rest until it happens. For all the lives that were taken by the police, when they were innocent. 
I stand with protestors and thank them for their bravery. If you are one, please be careful. And I may not know you, but I pray you and many of the people who are protesting alongside you are safe.

So please be careful out there,
-Rory Taylor

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