your heart

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I was new in the place so I decided to take a ride and explore 'cause that evening I was free . I showered and then wore my favourite white floral dress and did my makeup  , I was feeling fresh and calmed so wore my favourite red lipstick . Then walked down the steps , I forgot where my curler was so I decided to wear my hair straight . "Are you going on a date " , my roommate asked with a smirk . "Huh? What makes you think like that ?" ,  I asked her . And then she replied , "your makeup , your mood , your clothes and all " . "Oh no no , I just wanted to explore here and just wanna see their cafes and all , okayy" I said . "And Riana ,please don't  iron my clothes , yesterday mornin' you burned my white shirt , when I'll comeback I'll do it myself , okay ". "Fine , I'll not do the iron and one more thing will you iron my clothes too ". 'Wait , what ? Why can't you do it ". She replied ," there's a reason " . Then I answered with my eyebrows up ,"what reason ". "I'm going on date with the boy I met yesterday evenin' , are you happy ". "Of course why not , ok now lemme go .bye " after saying this I went outside .

I didn't wanted to take a taxi because I wanted to see the sea , it was so beautiful . As I said this a cool breeze made my hair fly like it . So as , I was feeling preety,  I closed my eyes and enjoyed the thing . And as my eyes were closed I didn't saw a man was coming from there . He bumped into me , and when we bumped I fell on him and it made me kiss him on his lips so hard that I could saw my lipstick stain on his cute lips . He was wearing jeans , white sneakers and a black tshirt . His hair was blonde and he had sunglasses on and was wearing headphones . I was literally standing at him and admiring him ," he's so cute " I said in my mind . Then I apologised him for the lipstick . I was  so embarrassed but still was thinking he's so cute . Then he said ," no ,it's ok " . His deep voice touched my heart . And then I quickly took my wet napkins and tried to remove the lipstick stain , but I tried so hard it wasn't leaving his lips . I whispered
Even the lipstick don't wanna leave his lips ." Did you said something ?"he asked ."no no nothing " I said .

Then started talking to me
"What's your name ?" He asked me
"Ah I'm Manya , and you "
I replied
"You don't know me"
"Ah sorry no , I don't know you am I supposed to ? " I replied
"Maybe , I'm taehyung "
The name sounded familiar so I asked him ," are you from bts , the famous k-pop band ?"
"Yeah" he said
"Oh ok , I'm new and I don't listen to music so maybe that's why I didn't recognise you " ," I only know your band members name cause my friends always talk about you "
"Oh , so they didn't showed you our photos "
" actually no , I really concentrate to my work , and I knew if I saw them I would listen to then instead of working" I replied
"Never mind , so what are you doing here " he asked me with a cute smile .
"I wanted to drink coffee so I'm looking for good cafes "
He said ," Oh , same here , I also wanted to go to a cafe and take a walk , why don't you come with me "
I hesitated but then he forced me and he was a so cute that I couldn't say no to him "okay let's go "

We both were walking and went to the cafe . While I was seeing everywhere , he asked me " are you new here " , "Oh yeah ,I am " I said
"I'm here for approx. 7 months and then I'll go back to America . He just nodded . And then stepped in the cafe , we so almost all the tables were booked but the special ones were not , those tables were for the gf/bf or couples . I said in my mind ,"I never seen a cafe with these special tables "

As we both tae and me made a eye contact , the manager came and said,"what a beautiful couple , please come we have special tables for you "
Then he walked and sat there , " it's ok , I won't mind " . So I also wasn't shy so I also joined him . "Are you okay " he whispered with his eyebrows up . " Ah yes I am " I said . The waiter came and asked what we want and as the waiter said ,we both said ," a cappuccino please" we both were smiling and shocked that we had a same choice . "So what job u do " tae asked
I replied ," I am a psychologist "
"Oh wow " he said .
I didn't knew how the time flyied talking to him .
Then our coffee came .
I didn't realised it was hot , I was saw the big heart they made in our both coffee . I took a slip and unknowingly burned my lips and tongue , I screamed . Tae just jumped to me and shouted ," don't you realise it was hot , you just burned lips and tongue " . I didn't know what to say because of his caring nature . He took his hanky and    swiped over my lips . I was blushing ,I don't know why but i did . "Hey , are you blushing ? " he asked . " Ah no ,why " ," okay " . Then he sat there and act like nothing happened , I realised he's so cute . Then we drink the coffee and after it we came out of the cafe and he said ," let's go to my favourite garden " . Couldn't say no to him so I said ," okay let's go " . We went to the garden . It was really so beautiful, but I still couldn't take my eyes off to taehyung.  We sat on the bench . " do you like it ?" He asked . "Yeah , beautiful " I replied . "Hey is it cupid ,over there " I asked him . "Yeah, you know it " . "Yeah " I said . And then the sun was covered with grey clouds . I never felt so good with a boy and so relaxed . " you know grey is my favourite colour " again we both said the same thing and we both laughed.  " you know you are a really nice person , you made me laugh two times " I said . " we can be friends , and I can make you laugh all the time . That time I became shy and said ," okay as you say ". Then I realised I just fall for him . Then I as I turned to him he was so close to me that when I turned it made us kiss again and that time it was quite long then the first one . I whispered, " Oh my god , I'm really sorry I again kisse you , again you got a lipstick stain from me " . He laughed in that way that it made me think that he didn't mind the kiss . "Lemme remove it ". He said nothing and was hiding his smile . I took my hanky and remove the stain  . We made a lot of eye contacts . "I'm really sorry for that " I said . Then he said  , " it's  okay " . After it we both were silent and then I asked him , " do you have a girlfriend " . I didn't realised what i said.  "Ah I'm searching for one " . " okay " I said
And then Riana called me , "yes Riana what happened " she answered, " are kidnapped it's 7:00 and you aren't home " . " Oh I'm coming "
"What happened " tae asked
"Oh nothing my roommate was worried about me "
"So okay , you wanna go home " he asked
" if you are going then I would too " .
" Yeah , let's go " he said .

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