- intro ♡

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warnings !

1. Louis - 18 | Harry - 15
2. Punk - Louis | Nerd - Harry
3. Strong language / mature content
4. Self harm, suicidal thoughts
5. The virus is not a thing in this book

main characters !

main characters !

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( it's kinda hard to see, but when u zoom in u can see the tattoos on Louis' face ^-^ <3 )

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( it's kinda hard to see, but when u zoom in u can see the tattoos on Louis' face ^-^ <3 )

about !

Harry Edward Styles, known as the nerdy pretty boy in the entire school. He didn't have friends but everyone would still talk about him. It would be either good stuff like "oh he's so handsome !" Or "oh he's so smart, he's in my ____ class and he's always paying attention and responding correctly to the teachers !" Or really bad stuff like "dude look ! It's that nerdy ass fag again ..." or just say a bunch of crap about Harry that no one would like to hear about them. He was clearly gay, he wore very feminine clothes all the time and acted all girly but he was also veeeery shy. Harry is a 15 year old boy that loves school ! His favorite part is the clubs thingy. There was Dancing, Music, Soccer and then Art. Harry always had this obsession with Art and he just loves everything about that subject. There's a lot of people on the Art club, I guess he has good taste ? Harry doesn't have friends at all as I mentioned earlier, the ones he had in the past just left him alone and now he doesn't have anyone to walk around or talk to at school which is pretty sad. But there's only one thing he absolutely HATES about school. His bully, the one and only Louis Tomlinson.

Louis William Tomlinson, let's talk about that guy. Louis is a 18 year old boy that repeated some years as you can tell by his age and he doesn't fucking care about anything or anyone. He could leave school but no one wants him to leave because he needs to learn how to have manners and all. On recess, Louis would leave school for a bit to go smoke cigarettes outside of the school, still don't know how he doesn't get caught. The only thing he cares about is tattoos, piercings and his hair. He does have a little face tattoo and a neck tattoo that everyone is able to see, but when he wears tshirts you can see his arms covered with tattoos. Some of them had meanings and were very important but there was ones that he just got because they were good-looking and he thought they were really cool. He had a few piercings, well he only had a lip piercing and little ear ones on both of his ears. He's does really care about them, he's always changing his ear piercings and cleans all of them. He rarely takes out the lip one but he still cleans it. The thing is ... HE. IS. A. DICKHEAD. He likes to bully the nerdy kids and everyone that he hates, his behavior is absolutely unacceptable, on recess he goes outside of the school and smokes, he hangs out with the popular kids that also bully everyone and he cusses a lot during class and he just doesn't give a single fuck about anything that involves school. Every popular kid of his group, had someone they bullied the most. They had that one specific student that they hated the most and they were more focused on bullying, and Louis' happened to be Harry. Louis HATED Harry. Louis would always make fun of Harry, embarrassing him, hurting him mentally and also physically and all of the mean things ever imaginable. What happens when they get put together into a duo to do an art project ? Will they get along ? Will they still hate each other ? We DoN't KnOw.


I feel like this sucked so bad ew- Anyways, I hope everyone is doing alright though time. To all the protestors : STAY SAFE ! Keep donating, signing petitions and more. Hope u like this book, stay smart and stay safe.
love u all <3

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