moving to utah

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Hi my name is Jessica I like to be called Jessie well I'm moving to Utah

"Jessie get up and start packing" my mom said "but mom I want to sleep"  I'm that one girl who likes to sleep in

                                   3 hours later

We get there and the house is big then my old house in California " do you like the house hun " dad said "yas  dad its huge "  I was taking things in the house when I saw this cute boy he looked familiar. " Jessica go and say hi to the next door neighbors theres a boy over there he is about or age " my mom said playfully "MOM fine I will go "  as I'm walking over there the boy smiles I say "hi I'm Jessica but u can call me jessie" "well Jessie I'm justice carradine nice to meet u" in my head I'm like omg its my idol I can't believe I live next to him "oh your from vine right ?" "Yea how did u know?" "I watch or vines ur a good singer well I have to go bye" "wait can I have ur number" "yea" I gave it to him and went home I saw my mom she was watching TV I went to my room and it had a walk in closet and bathroom so I took a shower and put on joggers and a 5sos shirt I set my alarm but before I went to bes I got a text

From "justice         'Hey wanna hang out tomorrow'

To "justice           'Yea goodnight see u tomorrow'

After that I went to sleep 'shes a good girl hasnt been caught' sang my alarm I woke up took a shower put my batman crop top on and a black skater skirt and texted justice

  To "justice           Hey u wake?

From  "justice            Yea come over ?

To justice          Be over in 5

Five minutes past I knocked and within seconds he answered "come in" I walk in a say " so what are we doing today?" " watch movies and go to the park" so we went up stairs and watched ouija board I got scared and cuddled with him he thought it was cute then we went to the park we were hand in hand then we saw…………

If you guys liked it vote it might not be good but its my first ( the owner of this account is my sister my name is samantha)

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