A Shock To The System

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(I hope ya'll can enjoy these scenes even if only a little. Feel free to leave constructive criticism or whatever else but pls be nice.)


  I sat there for a few more moments overcome with shock. I was hit with a wave of emotions but only a few got through to me. I don't know what I looked like on the outside but with the way people seemed to want to hug me, it must have been pretty pitiful. Even Bitch looked sympathetic, I didn't even know she could. Guess emotional moments brought out the weird in everyone.

Lisa moved first, taking a couple of steps towards me before pausing, hands outreached like she wanted to comfort me before she stopped herself. I was glad, I don't know what I would have done if she broke the barrier holding off my wave of emotions. I let her soup in her frustration for a few more moments before deciding to finally move.

"Why? Why did you let that happen?!"

Pigget just stared at me, bewilderment in her eyes, and this only brought out the anger in me.

"Say something! Tell me why you allowed a crazy escaped convict to roam free??"

Finally, Pigget must have found her voice because she replied, "That wasn't my fault. Jack had his connections and they must have been pretty strong."

I stared at her in disbelief before saying back, "How can you say that to me with a straight face? My father was just hurt because you couldn't keep track of your monsters!" I could see Pigget was starting to get as angry as me, once this might have frightened me, now it just gave me a feeling of satisfaction. I was glad that she was becoming as affected as I was.

"You knew how slippery he was, and you still put him in a second-rate prison with no outside eyes on him!" I continued, feeling my face get hot.

Everyone around us was frozen with shock, not knowing what to do. Some seemed like they might intervene at times before stopping themselves likely not wanting to get snapped at by either of us. Later this would make me feel guilty, now though it just made me happy no one was going to get in my way. I could feel my fists involuntarily start clenching and I couldn't help setting my jaw a few times, grinding my teeth together. In the back of my head, I knew it wasn't all Piggets fault but my bigger pissed off mental presence didn't care, justifying that enough of it was for me to get angry at her.

I took a few deep breaths to try to calm myself down before continuing, "While we're at it, why don't we talk about the fact you let Sophie on your little team without doing anything about her bullying?! Why don't we talk about the fact you didn't even tell me Jack escaped? You didn't even think about the fact he would want vengeance for me stopping him under your orders!"

Pigget just stared at me in stone-cold silence, denying the truth in her doing so. I decided mentally that if I stayed any longer my control would snap completely and so I decided to walk away in order to cool down.

Pigget wisely didn't follow.

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