Pool Fight

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[ Scene 1 ] Elementary School ( 3rd Grade )

It was a sunny day at the school, too sunny that the kids felt like they lived in Florida, in the middle of summer.

Doggy POV
"Hey, Ms.Gazelle." "Can you turn down the    A/C? Please?" Then, she replied to me with a stern "No." Before I could say anything, Pony stopped me saying, "Hey, the more you talk the more hotter it gets." So I just nodded to the respond and kept quiet.

It didn't take long until Giraffy groaned from the heat wave hitting his neck. To a point where everyone including me started to groan.
Then, all of a sudden, me and some other classmates heard a giggle in the back of the class. It was Bunny and Zizzy.

Bunny POV
"Ok, so we got some of class attention, you ready?" I said to Zizzy laughing, then she replied back to me with a slightly red face. "Ok ready!"
"Remember on the count of 3, we do it!" I said to Zizzy with her nodding as a respond. Then I looked at Doggy and Pony and smirked.
"1...2.....3!" Quickly me and Zizzy moaned loudly that the whole class look at us and started to laugh. I first looked at Pony who had his glasses off and put his head down, I just guessed that we just embarrassed him as a friend, but then I looked at doggy. His tail was slightly wagging. All I did was laughed and say "Gee he must have thought that was funny too!"
I continued to laugh until Zizzy tapped my shoulder and said, "We're in trouble, Bunny. Stop laughing!"
So, I stopped laughing and saw the teacher glaring at us.
"Let me handle this." I said to Zizzy.
"Teacher, we're sorry for the noise the truth is"- then all of a sudden. Pony blurts out, "They're hot!" Me and Zizzy blushed and laughed then pony blushes afterwards.
After that Doggy then blurts out, "what Pony meant was that, they were probably panting loudly from the heatwave."
"So please turn down the A/C!" He pleaded with puppy eyes.
Then the teacher looked back at me and Zizzy, and asked "is this true?" Then Both me and Zizzy responded with a "yes."

*Bell rings*
Teacher: All right students time to pack up and go home, I'll see you tomorrow.

Zizzy POV
"Bunny!" I shouted, Bunny then turns around and asks "what is it?" "We should go to the pool and Cool down!" She gave me a, "B*tch, really look"  and finally said, "First of all I have to ask my parents and second of all you said that out loud and now people are dippin' quicker than a person eating snickers! But, sure I'll come if my parents let me..." "Ok! Cya bunny!" "Cya Zizzy!"


[ Scene 2 ] Bunny's Home

Bunny's POV
"I'm back Mom!" "Oo Oo, can I also go to the po-?" Then my mom quickly shut my mouth. She told me yes and to be quiet because she doesn't want to wake up dad. "Aww but doesn't dad want to see me mom?" She told me, " No, not today, he's in a bad mood." "But, he's always in a bad mood." Mom then says, "I know honey but he has reasons only you will understand when you grow up. Now come on sweetie, change into your swimsuit, I'll drop you off at the pool."

[ Scene 3 ] Pool Place

Doggy POV

"We finally got in Pony." "Yeah it took forever" he said back. "Anyways what should we do first my brave man?" He smirks at me then I smirk back. We then both yell, "WATER GUNS!"
We reach in our bag, put on our goggles and jump in the pool. Everyone looked at me and Pony and got water squirters, water noodles and water balloons. Everyone was firing at each other, everyone was soaked. Even people on the side, watching, decided to join in on the fun. Then I noticed Zizzy and a bunch of animals behind her. Then I shouted,"looks like princess Zizzy is here!" Pony laughed then stopped, he looked like he regretted that laugh.
"What's wrong bud? You embarrassed you laughed at your cru"-
"Yo, what the fu"- Then I saw Bunny. "Oh, Hi bunny!" "How are you?" "Honestly, kinda mad Doggy." "Oh, why are you mad Bunny?" Then she talked back to me saying, "Because, you...embarrassed..my.... FRIEND!!" Next thing I know she pounces on me like a savage cat and bites me with her teeth. Then someone shouts "POOL FIGHT!" Then I looked around, and said, "Bunny, I really don't wanna fight you." "And why is that, dawg?~" "Because, I can't hit girls without their permission." Then bunny said, "Oh, then I give you permission." I laughed nervously saying, "No thanks, I'm good." Then someone yelled "SIMP" "Ugh, I'm not that!" Then bunny says, "Oh that's great, cause' I'm gonna embarrass YOU!!"

3rd POV

In bunny's mind: This boy is going down!
Bunny quickly jumps on Doggy and bites his neck again, and tries to make him fall over but no avail, she was weaker then doggy. Then Doggy said, "that's impressive, you can fight." Bunny then replies saying sarcastically, "Oh wow, gee thanks." Then Doggy says, "your also easy to distract." Before bunny could say anything, she couldn't feel the pool floor anymore, she wasn't in the 3ft mark, she and Doggy was in the 5ft mark. "Doggy" Bunny says. "This isn't funny." Still holding onto him. "Welp here's the grand finale." Doggy says. He pulls himself and bunny down into the water. He forces bunny to let go of him, but still holding onto her. "Oh, I thought you were gonna drop me" Bunny says laughing nervously. "Don't worry." Doggy says "I am." After that Doggy instantly drops Bunny. He chuckles and a few laugh with him. "Come on Bud", saying that, waiting for his friend to resurface. Doggy waited for 5 seconds, looked around the room, seeing everyone staring at him. So, he quickly dove down, saw bunny looking at him angrily. So, doggy opens his arms for bunny, but bunny pouted and continued to glare at him. On the other hand, Doggy wasn't having that, he swooped Bunny up, held her tight and put her on the side of the pool. Before, bunny could say anything, a lifeguard asked them both to leave the building, and asked them for their guardian's phone number. They both gave them their gaurdian's phone number and waited outside the building.

Doggy POV
"Hey Bunny"- Then she interrupted me saying "Save it, It's my fault anyways. I shouldn't have jumped you, and now we're both temporarily banned" "Hey it's alright, Bunny. I shouldn't have blurted out stuff, especially if it would hurt your friend's feelings." Then she said back, "CLICHE!!" "Stop it. I'm not *THAT* cliche"
Then she asked me "Anyways what happened to Zizzy?" "Oh, Pony is Comforting Zizzy. When I looked around the room, I saw Pony giving Zizzy a juice box. Then give her a water gun and they were firing at each other."-
Bunny and I groaned, looked behind then saw Zizzy and Pony, each holding an extra water gun. They gave me and Bunny a water gun and we were firing at each other near the entrance. Everyone was laughing and soaked. Then we all ate snacks and waited for our parents to come. Pony's mom came first, but it was no surprise, he loved to sleep. Then Zizzy's dad came, he needed her to watch her younger sisters, so she left. Then my mom came, she gave me and bunny the disappointed look, so I looked back and waved saying Cya, she did the same thing back at me, and I walked home with my mom's hand.

- Time skip to night -

Bunny POV
Mind: My dad still hasn't picked me up. I wonder where he is. "Bunny?" I didn't say anything, I just quickly hid behind the pole in the corner. Then the footsteps got louder. It was Doggy, he had a worried yet curious look on his face. He asked me why I'm still out here during night, I told him that my dad didn't pick me up yet and,- *he quickly cutted me off with a hug and saying* "Don't worry Bunny, my mom and I can drop you off" then I said, "Thanks bud." And he replied with a "No problem."

-Travel Skip-
[ Scene 4 ] Bunny's Home

Bunny POV
I quickly got out of the car, said thank you to Doggy and his mom and walked to the entrance of my house. I was welcomed by my dad, waving at them saying thank you, and seeing them drive off. He frowned at me and pushed me to the ground, HARD. I started to cry, but then he told me, if I cry, I get more discipline, so I stopped and walked inside the house with my dad, change into my PJ's and went to sleep with some of the bruises from the runway.

THE END- Not really, but you know what I mean.

Sorry If this was a bad story and it was sorta short, PLEASE FORGIVE ME

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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