Chapter 1

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             She sat in the corner of her dimly lit room, the only thing illuminating her features is the eerie glow from the blank page on her laptop screen, the little cursor, blinking, mocking her lack of inspiration. This is terrible, she thought. Especially when you have a deadline well, not to an editor or anything major, but to those who read her stories, Saoirse Clarisse Bennett was a full time student with a knack for writing, and although she loved her studies and someday would like to be a doctor or better yet a surgeon, she wrote to pass the time and why not? A lot of people enjoyed her work or she seemed to think so. She loved her name mainly because she enjoyed watching people try to pronounce it correctly the first time around. See, her parents met at a party on Saint Patrick's day so they thought why not continue in that spirit and give her and her older brother insanely difficult to pronounce, well, if you're not irish that is, names. Her big brother, Eoghan (It's pronounced "O-un" like Owen), is everything she could ever ask for, he's always there when she needs help with something, he's responsible as heck and would do anything to protect her, He's also the only one who could knock some sense into her most of the time. When she was acting weird or in other words like a female dog, he would tell her, and she would do her best to stop, and that was what made Eoghan, Eoghan. Other than her bizarre excuse of a name she lived a fairly normal life with ordinary friends and an ordinary family, it was one of the reasons she wrote. She would write about brave knights in shining armour and fair princesses who would rather not be saved. She would write about the quiet school nerd who had a hidden spunky side, She wrote about brooding businessmen who would turn out to have a dark past but changed for the one who captured their stone cold hearts, but really she wrote about the life anyone would wish they had. Aside from the secret life she lived as an online modern day Jane Austen, as her audience put it, Although she preferred to go by the pseudonym, Elizabeth Benson. She was indubitably and unequivocally ordinary.

Saoirse decided to just give up for now, since it was clear that inspiration was not about to strike anytime soon, and she settled on going for a walk to clear her mind and get the blood pumping to her brain, and if she happened to come across some inspiration, that wouldn't hurt now would it? The moment she stepped out from her room the smell of freshly baked goods hit her like a freight train, a heady mixture of vanilla and cinnamon, it was clear that her mother was baking again. Louisa Bennett was an ordinary lady, She was in her forties, made evident by her salt and pepper hair and the laugh lines and crow's feet near her eyes, but other than that you couldn't even tell that she was forty, she looked to be thirty-five or something, she was an exceptionally good mom to her and her brother, She was the stay at home type, a "Pinterest Mom" if you will, although she refused to be called such, but she was also the type to always be on her feet, up and about doing God knows what at any given time, it's just who she is, and she's amazing at it. Her dad Damian was almost never home, he worked hard for their family and did the best he could to maintain their above average lifestyle, and Saoirse loved him no less. Her mother looked up from her mixing bowl just as Saoirse entered the kitchen, the smell was even more prominent this close, which she thought was impossible. "Hello love, Muffin?" her mother offered her a tray of amazing looking blueberry muffins although she found that she wasn't in the mood much for blueberries today. "No thanks, Mom." Louisa paused what she was doing for a while and stared at her daughter. It was odd for her to turn down her favorite blueberry muffins, well unless. "You have writer's block again?" Saoirse turned to her mother and found her looking- no staring at her in what seems to be a mix of amusement and mild concern. It was clear that her mother knew her all too well. She nods. "I'll be out hunting for inspiration." She grabs a light jacket and makes her way out the door. Her mother screams behind her to keep her phone with her. With that she set out to find inspiration. The only problem? Where do you find inspiration? After about 2 minutes of internally debating her options, she decided to go to the park. It's usually filled with people laughing and having fun, maybe it was the inspiration she needed.

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