Vic Fuentes Imagine xD (Part 1)

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Name: Alexandra

*Alexandra's POV

3 years. 3 amazing years. 3 years of me and Vic dating. I'm so excited for this day 'cause we get to celebrate together.

"See you later, babe"

"See you later, too" I replied as I hung up.

I was supposed to got to Vic's place at around 3 in the afternoon but I just contain my excitement anymore so I decided to go right now even if it's still 10 in the morning.( That's how excited I am)

On my way to his place I decided to buy his favorite pasta(A/N: idk what it is so I just did that... Don't hate me..)

Since I have spare keys to Vic's apartment I opened it but I wish I didn't. I dropped the food in my hands causing them to look at me.

"Alex!!" he said as he approached me but I stepped back.

"It's not what you think it is. Please let me explain." he tried to reach for my elbow but I stepped back again.

"Don't touch me!" I said bitterly as tears began to fall from my eyes.

"Please just give me a minute." I shook my head furiously. I can't take this. I have to get out.

"Have a good day you two."

I rushed my way going out and into my car. He was trying to open my car door but I was fast enough to lock it. I love then sped down the road to get away. I made my way to the forest. The only place where I can share all my woes. I got out of my car and ran going to the deep forest. 

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs while tears are flowing non-stop.

        I still couldn't breathe well. In fact I can't breathe anymore. My chest is getting tighter by the minute. My vision is also blurring. I clutched my chest to ease the pain but it was no use. My knees then gave out causing me to fall on the ground. The pain was just too much to take. Then I saw a figure no too far from me. Before I could even tell who it was everything went black.

*Vic's POV

        I have to explain everything to Alex. I really did not kiss her. By she I mean my ex-girlfriend Ana. When Alex rushed out, I saw Ana with a very wide grin of satisfaction plastered on her face. She planned this, all of this. I chased Alex but she got away. I then went back to my apartment and threw the vase on the floor which made Ana squeal. 

"What is your problem?" she stated.

"You are my problem. Please just stop forcing yourself to me. I'm not the guy who'll be with you forever. I'm in love with Alex now and no one would ever change that. So just please back off."  I said as I grabbed my keys and rushed out going to my car. I arrived at Alex's place but she was not there. I don't know where else she could be. Then I remembered her favorite place: The Forest.

        I sped my way going to the forest and I was right. Her car was there but it was empty. I then heard a scream followed by sobs. I followed the source of the sobs then I found her. She was lying on the floor unconscious. She's having an anxiety attack but this one isn't like her usual attacks. She gets this worse of an anxiety attack if she's stressed or if she can't take the strong pain brought to her physically or emotionally. The last time her attack was this worse was when her paents died.

        I carried her and brought her to the nearest hospital.

"Help! Please! Help me!" I yelled. A doctor and some nurses then approached me as I laid her down on one of the beds.

"What happened?" The doctor asked

"She's having an anxiety attack."

"Does she have these often?"

"She doesn't. The last time her attck was this worse was a year ago."


"Is she okay?"

"We just gave her medicine to calm her down. She'll be awake in a while. I'll leave you two then."

"Thank you." After the doctor got out I sat beside her bed and cried.

*Alexandra's POV

"Vic, please don't go." I grabbed his arm but he shook it off.

"Get off me Alex."

"Vic no please!" I said as more tears began to flow.

"Would you just shut up! Let's go Ana." He said as he grabbed Ana's hand. Ana looked back at me and grinned evily.


"Vic!" I screamed but only a whisper came out. 

        It was only a dream. A dream that I wish won't happen.

I sat up from where I was lying down and took in my surroundings. I'm in a hospital. I felt someone beside me holding my hand. It was Vic.

"Vic." I said as I shook his head slowly.

"Alex." He said a little surprised. His eyes were red when I looked into them. He was crying.

"Why are you crying?"

"Because I'm such an idiot for having an ex like that and for letting you have an anxiety attack." when he said that I remembered all the occurences that happened.

"Please, let me xplain everything." I have trust in Vic and I know he wouldn't do what I saw.



        I asked Alex to come at three because I was preparing something for tonight. When I arrived in my apartment I forgot to lock the door. Then suddenly while I was talking with Tony, Ana barged through the door and slammed it afterwards.

"I know you still love me, Vic"

"I told you fir how many times now I don't love you anymore. I love Alex now."

"Maybe this will help." Then she kissed me forcefully on the lips. That's what Alex saw.


"So that's what happened."

"I'm sorry for not letting you explain yourself earlier. I just felt so wothless when I saw you two. Add my very low self-esteem too."

"I'm sorry for making you feel that way. You're not worthless. You mean a lot to me, to your parents, to everyone we know. . So don't ever think that you are worthless. You're also the most beautiful girl I've ever known, don't be afraid to show it to others.You're perfect to me even with all your flaws." After he said those tears started falling. They wer not tears of sadness it was tears of joy. He stood up and hugged me.

"Don't cry please. It hurts me to see you cry."

"I'm not crying because I'm sad, dummy. I'm crying because I've never felt happier." he kissed my forehead and hug me tighter.

"I love you Alex."

"I love you too, Vic"


This is the first imagine....Sorry if it's kinda boring.. Part 2 will be posted probably tomorrow (irdk)

VOTE&COMMENT (I need to know your reactions please)

      ~~Mavid xD

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