Hire me

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Hello, if you're a creator on here and want someone to proof read and edit punctuation, spelling and grammar mistakes, or just want to pass the chapter or book through someone else before giving it to the public, then "hire" me.
It doesn't actually cost money Lmao, and i doubt anyone would really want this, i just thought i could help some people out :>

I'm already an editor for my friend on here, and i excel in english (school) so i thought i could help some of y'all out.
If you want me to, contact the email below.
This email is not my main email, it's more of a fun one, but if you want me to help you properly and for a long time, ask me for my proper one through emailing this one. (no need to be formal when emailing)


Im also a kpop fan, so i'll be super excited if i can help with a kpop one :>

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