The horrible beginning

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September 19th, He was forced into his nicest clothing and taken to witness his parents divorce take place in a hot court room. His mother a short stubby women and his father a tall stalky man.
Magi's mother finally had enough of his father and took him to court. He cheated, lied, and hit her a few times. He didn't like his father either.

-after the court case ended-

His mother won the most of the stuff from the case, but full custody over her son. "Alec....I'm so sorry baby" his tired mother hugged him even though his mother got him for the week. He still had to face his father.

-weeks later-
"Honey... You have to go..." his mother pleaded handing him his backpack. He glared at the tiny woman. "..... He's only gonna drink and make me go into the basement....can't I just stay here!?!" magi said as he dropped the bag. She sighs "dearest.... You know what would happen if you didn't go.." she picked the bag up handing it back to the upset boy. "..... Can I at least get something to defend myself?" he remembered the last time he tried to rebel against his father. He could still feel the broken beer bottle against the his back. "What are you going to defend yourself with hm?" she rubbed his cheek, looking worrying at the her son. "A knife-or a gun!?!" her hand drops from his face." if I give you a pocket knife would that satisfy you?" she looked more worried. "Yes pleaseee" his tail wagged knowing that he could finally have something to defend himself not knowing what would happen shortly if he did. His mother sighed as she put a pocket knife into her sons backpack. "Now gimme a hug before you leave" she opened her arms inviting her son into a warm hug. He practically melted into it. His mother wrapped her tail around her son not wanting to let go... A car door slammed in the driveway. "Mom- he's here" she let go  " please be careful little one" she kissed his forehead. "I'll try mom..." he put on his backpack and opened the front door, meeting his father. His mood changed to empty and spaced out. "Let's go.... Son." he tries to place his hand on magi's back but the boy walked away getting into the back of the car his father pulled up in. "Don't worry Larisa, I'll bring him back." he said getting into the driver seat closing the door. Driving out of the driveway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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