Chapter One

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The first time I fell I expected to hear a loud sound. Maybe the sound of something breaking or cracking, something like shattering glass? It was scary to imagine falling and being in pain but people aren't that fragile, at least not physically.

Then there's the emotional aspect of it, of falling and embarrassing yourself. That part was scarier. The eyes and laughter, the thought of it was more painful then falling on your face. It's better to not care.

"Jess-" A girls voice yelled, I gave a curt nod of acknowledgement and rushed to retrieve the ball that was heading right towards me. As quick as the ball had come my way it went right back to the opposing team.

The other team looked flustered as if they hadn't expected me to catch that. I didn't realize it before but they didn't seem to have played us before, if they did they would know not to send it my way.

Caught off guard, they seemed to have lost sight of the ball that had already went halfway across the court and right passed the hands off one of their back line players.

"It's hilarious how easily distracted people think you are." Laughed one of the girls standing next to me brushing off her sweaty hands with her shirt as the whistle that signaled the end of the game rang. Her long black hair was pulled back, she was the type of girl that you'd expect to be girly, someone who did her nails, took extra care of her skin and was picky about what she wore as everyday was her last day. And though she was that type of girl her passion for sports was what made her eyes sparkle the most, not a fresh set of nails or pretty shoes.

I sighed,"It almost feels a bit unfair doesn't it?" I smile and she shakes her head,"You'd think they'd have done their research, guess they didn't care enough to put in much effort." She chuckled. I shook my head giving out one last breathy laugh and giving her a pat on the shoulder before joining the rest of the team to see our opponents off.

After saying goodbye, wishing to play each other another day, and packing up my stuff I walked out the front of the building being careful not to be seen. It wasn't too late, maybe 8? I'd hate to be seen and asked why I wasn't waiting for my ride and walking by myself in the dark.

"Jess!" Damn. I really couldn't be left alone today, right?

"Yes?" I turn to see a boy running to me, his black hair was slicked back as if he was going some important business meeting... or date? Not sure which one it was but it was enough to make me cringe inside and turn around.

"Hey don't be like that!" He whined which only made me walk faster.

"What was Aileen talking to you about after the game?" He asked as he skipped to my side making me sigh and give in, I really didn't feel like running all the way home so I'd let him have his way this once.

"Oliver how long are you going to keep coming to me to speak about Aileen? Can't you speak to her on your own?" I asked, the truth is Oliver is one of my only friends but that was only because he forced himself into my life and I couldn't care enough to push him back out. But right at this moment I really wanted him off my back. Couldn't I just peacefully walk back home without worrying about others relationships?

"What about you? I don't see you asking a boy out or even having many friends as a matter of fact!" He said as if he knew all about my life which I'll admit didn't add up to much

"How would you know?" I ask blankly without much thought, I wasn't very into this conversation.

With that he abruptly stopped, I almost thought of looking back at him, confused as to why he went silent all of a sudden, but shrugged it off and waved at him without turning and speeding off.

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