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I might want to clarify things first, I just am righting this to appease my rare shipping heart, and will contain heavy spoilers. Yeah? Yeah. I don't care if it doesn't suit your tastes, but I take constructive criticisms. Bam maybe kind of Ooc, like a little. Might be more of the personality of the 3rd Season kind of character, just slightly, enough to just wreck Rachel and to not see her as a friend and will never see her as such, that kind of tea. Enjoy!


Third Person POV

The data of Jahad was smiling in front of the brunette in front of him. He just wanted to keep him alone forever, but that wouldn't work for the two of them. He knew the boy would be a irregular, so he decided to train and teach him Shinsu and all he knew of. The both of them wanted to proved to his true human self, and to get him back on shape. The king was suffering his own demise.

"Hey, it's time now.... we will meet sometime in the future, and by that time I want you stronger than me!" the data of Jahad wanted him to be stronger than him. Because how will Jahad listen to him if wasn't as strong as him? Or at least could protect himself from him? " I promise, I promise. Do you really have to leave me?" Bam asked him with a frown in his face." yes, I have left a lot of things uncovered in there!" with that, the data of Jahad stood in front of the brown ancient door, slowly disappearing.

Bam,now in front of the door, had full convicted eyes. He too, slowly disappeared from the bright light. 'I have to do this, for a friend. For the data of Jahad.' He felt himself slowly drifting to sleep. He then woke up from the floor. " where am I?" Bam asked to nobody. " my, my. It's been a while since I got visitors." a strange overgrown human like rabbit said. " who's there?" Bam prepared his shinsu. " oh my, you even know how to produce shinsu in that level. My name is Headon. It's been a while since I opened the gate. Welcome to the tower, young man. What's your name?" Headon introduced himself.

" My name is The Twenty-Fifth Bam."" What a difficult name to say, I'll call you Bam instead." That was nostalgic to Bam, He heard that from the data too." How did get here?".







" To fullfil a promise, sir" the rabbit looked intrigued by the answer. " I take it, you already know about the test, and your up to it?" Bam nodded

"There, look at that, see that eel and that ball? That's a white armored eel, but the test is to pop the ball. The ball is designed to pop after being hit hard enough. are you still up to it?"

" Whatever it takes, sir."

To fulfil a promise[zahabam]Where stories live. Discover now