Victor's Room

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My Beginning

Ever been forced to be somewhere you don't want to be at. Well that pretty much sums up my whole life. It was always boarding school after boarding school for my parents. You'd think that after my first expulsion my parents would take a hint and realize this whole boarding school and rich white boy life ain't for me, but no. By the time the next Monday came I was already shipped off to some bullshit private school that is the "best of the best." What even is that "best of the best" slogan like not every school can be the best and from my experience they all royally suck. Man, I've probably been to every boarding school on the west coast by now. Well at least now I can say that I'm glad that I'm not stuck in one of those school buildings that look like they have been here since the beginning of time and in one of those uniforms that are always too itchy and too tight in all the wrong places. I'm able to live my best life in a sense, with that sense being that I finally have some damn freedom whatever freedom can mean in here. But this freedom is something I only got because of me getting kicked out of good ol' Pratt School for Young Men. Or as I like to call it, the Prick School for Young Assholes. I guess if I were to share my journey to how I ended up here I should start with the week I got kicked out.

I never liked Pratt and Pratt never liked me that much either. I arrived there my junior year fresh off another expulsion and was immediately met with the stench of pretentious rich boys that fills the school. Everyone there is a carbon copy of the stuck up boy that is always seen as perfect to adults but is actually the worst. Adults are some of the most gullible people in the world. Anyway, I didn't really care to make many friends with people in this hellhole so I would just keep to myself the majority of my time there. My keeping to myself though did help me learn all the gossip about what went down at Pratt. The majority of talk though was about Ms. Dahlia, the school nurse and only woman on campus. The countless hours of talking about her body and how she stared at this one guy one second too long so that must mean she wants them was truly dreadful and draining. I thought she was a pretty lady but I didn't get the appeal of her. The only thing at Pratt that was worse than the students were the adults. Man basically every single teacher there hates me for like no reason at all. I just sit there in class and they start all of a sudden, in their fake serious voice to get you scared or something like that, about how I need to cut out whatever I was doing wrong. I could care less about what they had to say so I would just spend my days doing what I want in class. And all the teachers acted like this to me, well almost all. Mr. Samuels, my English teacher who was my favorite at the school, was the only one that actually liked and cared about me in this whole school. He even asked to talk to me after I got kicked out by Cox. I guess I should talk about that little encounter also. Well it all happened on a Monday in May, when Mr. Cox, our school principal who looked like he died last week and smelled like it too, asked to speak to me in his office during lunch. I went that whole day dreading whatever this meeting was as he was infamous for his long boring talks and wack punishments. I remember when it had finally reached lunch I walked to his office and opened it only to be hit by the strong smell of death and stale cornflakes that was Mr. Cox. He was sitting at his desk desperately trying to look more important than he was when I came in and he called me over. Mr. Cox went on with his long talk, which I was mostly ignoring as I was focusing more on trying to survive without having to take a breath but what caught my attention was when he said "expelled." I immediately started to beg him if there was anything that I could do to stay at Pratt because even though I hate it here I couldn't stand another move. But he assured me that there was no way that they have "given me enough chances" whatever that means. Well fuck that old guy anyway, I walked straight out of his office and began to think about what would happen with my life. That's when Mr. Samuels walked by and saw me in the grass arguing with myself. He approached me with caution and flashed a smile that immediately made me jump up and tell him everything that just went down. That's when Mr. Samuels invited me to his house after the day was over to talk about it some more.

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