Chapter 1

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Finally, upon all the struggles I have moved one step closer to my dreams. The end of my Hustle, I mean upgrade from poverty to lower class is about to happen. It hasn't been easy as an unemployed graduate. There is a zero chance of getting a call back for an interview and if you even get lucky for one the determinant of getting the job will be how good you can give a head or open them thighs.
I was in denial when I first saw the big OPPORTUNITY pasted on the wall on my way from job hunting. People usually use that word to advertise their fake product.
I drew close to it and it was about a traveling agency that acquires scholarships for deserving people who wants continue their studies in their dream country.
I picked their number out of sheer curiosity and mischief.
One Saturday morning, i chanced upon the number I have saved as scam and my curiosity got the best of me. I dialed the number and the receiver was a polite young lady. She transfered the call the their manager and he patiently answered all my questions, even the silliest ones.
I was educated that the agency will work for my scholarship and visa if I am able to pay half of the fees, then I will be given the chance to pay the rest later in installments when I get settled in and have a lucrative job. I mean the job they will help me find, It's too good to be true right? .
Lily thought it was a bad idea but I convinced her and she came around. It's been just 3months since I met the agency and today I am walking out a happy woman.
I can't wait to share this with Lilly my very good friend from childhood. She is the direct opposite of me in all aspect. She is lightskinned, slim, bubbly and the fun type. She has been fortunate in life because she had all the support she had ever needed from her family. I think it's because she is the only daughter of a millonaire.
She was actually the only friend I could afford, I mean she kept me.
She was the only one who stood by me when all was against me. Some friends are better than blood and she is the epitome of the love.

Right in front of the office I get my phone out to call Lilly she must be on her lunch break by now and I can't wait till she is out of work. I need to tell her for now and fill the details later.

The phone keeps ringing but no answer, it scorching hot and no cab is approaching. Walking seems the best option now. How I wish I could share my happy news with my dad but I know Grace will not even put the call through to him.
Ever since my dad got married our relationship hasn't been rosy. I understand he has a new family now and all but I am also family. Not that I am complaining, he has been a very great support after my mom left me with him, he deserves the life he is having now after 18yrs of being single. I am only grateful he was there, I can't actually blame him.

I barely have a week to organise my things to start my new journey to my dream country. I need to get some warm clothes and some handy stuffs I can manage with for the first few weeks. Hardwork they say pays, if I hadn't had all those part time jobs I wouldn't have been able to pay for this one time opportunity. I am glad the agency was able to find me the scholarship and also the deal that allows me to work. It is only a matter of time that my dream of becoming one of the top fashion designers would come through.

The walk to my apartment seemed less stressful today because I have a reason to celebrate and leave the hole I call apartment. I hang my keys by the door and throw myself on the floor. I don't actually have a couch or anything like that so my only way of relaxing is either sleeping on the mattress on the floor or the bare floor.

The ring from my phone wakes me up from the little nap.
" hey girl I missed several calls from you is everything OK?"
Lily sounds tired at the end of the call but I can sense some humor in her voice. One thing I love about her, she is selfless.
" hii, I am doing great. Guess what, I got my visa today" I wait a little to hear her responds and it's amazing. She screams in my ear so loud I can hear the sound play back and back again.
" girl I am really happy for you. Wait for me at home so you will fill me the details"


Lilly has been great help these days, after my visa we have been going round shops looking for necessary items for my travel. I only have today to Stay in this hole, then head to the airport the next day.

I really need to call dad to let him know what's happening, I reach for my phone and dial his number. It rings for a while and the call is answered but the receiver isn't dad but my stepmom.

"hi good evening, please can I talk to my dad?" I don't know why she answered his call and I have nothing to discuss with her since she hasn't been a mother to me.
" your dad isn't around you can leave a message I will make sure he gets it" I dont know if there is some sort of agreement between them concerning privacy but I don't think I can pass any message through her.
I remember while I was in school she always intercepted his messages, telling her this will make her think I need some sort of assistance from them which will stop her from telling him all the same.
"no! I just want to hear from him. Tell him it's been a while, I miss him." I really do miss him. He was a caring father for me, he had time and we were inseparable. Since mom left when I was 3months old he has been there with me.
It is actually at the point I miss my grandma the most, she filled in my mom's shoes when she left. She was always the friend I needed and her departure has left a very big space in our hearts. Dad hasn't been the same after he lost his mom, I sometimes believe he married because of the sadness. I only wish he knows how I feel and where I will be. I am leaving my country and my dad cannot even come around to his phone.
" OK I will do that. Anything else?"
" no thank you and please tell the kids I miss them too"
I can't ignore them because their mom is mean, I love then because they are my father's.
The call is cut short from the other end and the tears are too stubborn to tame.
Honestly I am scared and confused,
I need my dad right now but...

I am not too sure if I am making the best decision by leaving home. I need a third or even tenth opinion to make me feel I am making the right decision. Lily is by far the only encouragement I have had. The agency has booked my flight for the evening and i still have more than 15hrs to change my mind.
Tomorrow will be the beginning of a new chapter and I must be ready for it whether good or bad, I need to put on my big girl panty and face it as it.
I roll on the bed and close my eyes to be carried away by sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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