pt 1: The Escape

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Ever since I was born, I was taught that humans were evil but stupid creatures that wanted nothing more than to kill us. At first, I thought it made sense. I was one of many special creatures. I was a water creature. We had one eye, lime green hair and teal skin. We were tall and had strong muscles for swimming very fast. We could breath under water. It made sense that the humans would be jealous and want to find out how to obtain our power. Humans had absolutely nothing. We even had the most beautiful clothing: normal cloth and cotton but decorated in shells, coral and other beautiful things found in the sea. The town I lived in, Udalith, hated humans. It was for a good reason, right?

However, as I grew older, I began to doubt everything I had learned about humans. Were they really the bloodthirsty monsters my teachers said they were? 

"Have you started thinking about what career you want, Azlopis?" 

"Huh?" I was sitting at my kitchen table with my father, Noid eating dinner. "Um, no." I said. My father sighed.

"You are seventeen years old, Azlopis. You are almost an adult. Think about a career. Preferably one that involves the fall of the human race. You can have a job like mine, planning attacks. Or a spy. You can find out weaknesses. Or a soldier! You can always work your way up from there and lead the army!" My father gave me a hopeful smile. I frowned.

"I don't know if I want to have any of those jobs." I said. My father looked up from his plate of seaweed. He sternly stared into my eyes. 

"Let me explain." I began. "There are bad humans out there. But there are good ones too. I want to meet humans, not kill them. We learn in school that humans are developing advanced technology. They say it is to kill us, but what if we could befriend them? We could share what we know!" My father runs a hand through his hair.

"Did you forget how many times I told you about the death of your mother? Well I will tell you again. Humans killed her. How can you say that there are good humans?" I opened my mouth to say something when my father put up his hand.

"no more, Azlopis. And no humans. You will have nothing to do with them unless it involves ending their lives. I'm going to bed. Good night."

 He angrily stomped of towards his room. I sadly walked to mine. As I lay in my bed, I thought about meeting humans someday. I couldn't. My father wouldn't let me. Well... If he didn't know... than maybe... just maybe. I crawled out of bed and crept into my father's room. He was sound asleep. I crept up to our front door and slipped out, quietly shutting the door behind me. Now, the way our town, Udalith is built is very unique. Our town is underwater in the ocean. However, our town could be called one massive building, meaning, every building and room is connected through hallways and domes. It is very cool, but that means it is easier to spot a certain Udalithian who was trying to run away. I can't hide in darkness because it is always a light on outside the houses. I just had to pretend I knew what I was doing. I had to pretend that walking out of Udalith in the middle of the night was perfectly normal. I tried not to seem suspicious and I walked towards the exit. 

After what seemed like many long, agonizing hours of panicking, I had finally reached the staircase that led up out of the town and to dry land. I took a deep breath and tried to calmly walk up the stairs. I stopped before the big, sea glass doors. I took another breath and pushed them open. I started running once I had gotten my whole body out the door. I was free to meet all the humans I wanted!

"HEY!" I turned around. A Udalithian guard was running towards me. "What are you doing outside so late at night?" I froze, than took a breath. I had to lie my way out of this.

"Well, I am Azlopis, the son of Noid. My father is the leader of the army and other fighters, like you. He was just talking to me about getting a job soon and he sent me to spy on that village over there to see if I want to be a spy." I pointed towards a small village less than a mile from Udalith. It's a wonder the Udalithians haven't destroyed it yet. The guard nodded.

"Ah, yes. That small village? Your father and the rest of our leaders have big plans for it. We're going to take it over. We will teach them our ways and beliefs so they might have a soul as pure as a Udalithian. But, might I ask... why are you spying on it? We know the town's weaknesses and aren't looking to destroy it."

"Well... what are we going to do with the people that are firm in their beliefs? You know, the people who won't listen to us? I'm trying to find out which buildings are home to people who won't listen to us so we can... um... well, we haven't got that far but I assume my father will think of something." The guard nodded.

"Well then, be off on your mission!" I nodded and ran off. I started running to the village, but when I saw the guard look away from me and go back to his patrol station, I ran into a cluster of trees nearby. Udalithians usually have strong muscles because we swim all the time. I was grateful for that because when I ran out of the cluster of trees to the ocean again, I needed speed. Luckily the guard didn't see me. I dove into the water. after swimming almost a mile, I looked back at Udalith. It was just a faint glow in the water. I turned back around and swam again. I shouldn't look behind me. I have to move forward. I didn't know what I would do first. I wanted to start meeting humans! I didn't even know if I would meet any, but now that was a possibility. I could live my own life now.

Part 2 coming!!!

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