One Last Christmas (Christmas Special 2014) Part 1: Consuming

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  • Dedicated to Anybody with Cancer <3

Chris’ POV:

~ FlashBack~

“Why is this happening to me?!” I squeaked through choked sobs, wrapping my fingers around my bald spots. “Christophori, have astrocytoma…a kind of cancerous brain tumor...” I gasp and my tears flow even harder. “We should have known months ago, but now it is incurable. You have maximum one month to live.”

~End Of FlashBack~

I kept my hat on at all times, no matter where I was or what I was doing, besides showering of course. The hat was black and had two braids coming out the ends of the ear covers. But the best part was the little cat face and ears.

At school my friends asked my why I wore it all the only reply was always something along the lines of ‘I just really love this hat’, along with a nervous chuckle...of course they bought it but of course it was a lie. I wore it practically 24/7 for the only reason being my bald head…

It has been three weeks since I was informed that I had a month to live. Throughout the time so far, I had been with my family and friends as if everything was fine. But every second of every waking hour, just like the tumor was consuming my brain, it was consuming my thoughts as well, growing bigger by the second.

Now I was at a christmas tree farm, grinning a fake smile as I look at the tall evergreen. My twin sister and two brothers who were 15 and 8 grinned back, and my my mom held up her phone. “Smile!” She said, and we all gathered around our chosen tree and posed terribly, and I punched Jake in the arm before she took the picture so he was still rubbing it and I was still smirking.


The big box was almost empty from the ornaments that it holds the whole year, all but the crowning jewel; the star. “I think Chris should put it up,” Noah said, grinning. The rest of the family nodded and I grinned. I always wanted to do this. My daddy handed me the star and lifted me up and I carefully placed the star on top, plugging it in with the rest of the lights.

Daddy lifted me down and Jessie plugged the rest of the lights in, and the room was illuminated by the glowing lights. I grinned and sniffed the air to see mom coming in with a tray of warm, steaming hot chocolate. “To a job well done!”  She said, after giving me a warm mug.

We all lifted our glasses and cheered, and for a moment, I forgot that I could die, and thought that moment would last forever.

~Le One week later~

I woke up and gasped, leaping out of bed. Its christmas! I dash out of my room and into my parents room, where they are both snoring but not for long as I hop on their bed. “It’s christmas! It’s CHRISTMAS!” I shout and both of them groan.

But before they can scold me I am running down the stairs to see the lit tree with dozens of presents set underneath, and our stockings stuffed. Soon my whole family is opening our stockings with gleeful faces. I dump out the stocking, some of the items rolling across the floor like little marbles. I look over the candies and sour gummy worms that I love, grinning. I grab one pack of gummy worms and open it and plop one on my tongue.

Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my side, which goes away almost immediately. I frown, shrug, and laugh it off. “Lets all open our presents at the same time!” Jake says with his adorable voice. “Yea, that will be awesome!” Noah says and Dad pulls out a stack of boxes from behind the sofa and places them in front of us.

I turn to see Mommy holding up her phone once more and I smile as I see the red light signifying that she was recording. “Ready?” She said, looking up from her phone. “3,2,1, GO!” She says and we all rip the paper off the boxes. I grin at the open amazon box and open the flaps, to see a small envelope inside. I frown a bit and pull it out, tearing open the paper to see one was a concert ticket to see imagine dragons! I squealed and so did my sister, whereas my brothers were just grinning like crazy.

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