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"Harry come swim!" yelled Mardie.

"...I can't swim!" Harry yelled back.

"Fine! Ari! Come swim with me!"

Ari thought for a moment before replying "yuh" and then proceeded to jump into the pool.

Mardie and Ari swum around for a while before Mardie started to get bored,

"You're no fun!" said Mardie "I want to swim with Harry"

Ari let out a startled, yet sad "yuh" and left the pool.

Mardie then swam over to Harry with her best Debby Ryan smirk.

"Harry come join me, I could teach you how to swim if you want!"

"I dunno, Mardie" Harry replied uncertainly.

"I promise that I will teach you, and teach you well!"

Harry sat for a moment, quiet in contemplation.

"Alright, i'll join you, just don't let me drown"

"I pwomise"

And so, Harry body slammed into the water and proceeded to drown.

"Help me Mardie! I'm drowning!" Harry gargled

Mardie cackled evilly as she pushed Harry's head further into the water "die you English bitch! Your accent makes me the big mad"

As Harry struggled beneath the water, flailing his limbs around in an attempt to save himself, he managed to lift his head above the water, just enough to let out a quiet and strangled "...when?"

Mardie stopped, and stilled her murderous intentions "When...what?"

Harry let out a dying, wheezy breath "when...did I ask"

In a sudden fit of rage, Mardie grew an extra arm from the top of her head, grabbed his feet and spun him around like a lasso.

"Ok boomer" she screeched as lightning cracked down in and around the pool, and in one great flash of light, Mardie and Harry both burned to death, while simultaneously drowning.

Ari sat, just vibing on a lounge chair, "yuh" she said and then walked away from the sight.

Swimming lessons (HS Crack)Where stories live. Discover now