A day at the Fair

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Tears ran down my face as I leaned against the trashcan behind some tents. Yesterday was a bad day, and today wasn't much better.
My ex kept insulting me over text, but I just couldn't block him. And my crush kept leaving me on read. I guess when i think of it they're rather small problems, but they hurt me.
I don't know where my parents are. I was looking for an hour and I feel like they left without me. I can't imagine today getting any worse...

I look up to see a tall man with a white painted face, a red smile, and black circles under his eyes. He had wavy brown hair that fell to his sharp jawline.
He squated down and looked deeper into my eyes. "Hey there... what's going on? You don't look very happy."
"I'm not," I hug my knees.
"Well why's that? There's plenty of food, drinks, rides and attractions..."
I sniffle and use my arm to dry my tears. "I'm not hungry.. i don't feel well" I break contact with his dreamy gaze.
"Hmm..." he pondered, looking into the sky. "Ah! I know-" he pulled out a couple bowling pins from who knows where, and started juggling. I watch as he throws in extra pins, but soon realizes I'm still upset. He squats down again and pulls out a balloon.
"I- I'm not a kid..." I say, semi curious.
"I don't care," he says, flipping around and moving his hands around. I hear staticy balloon noises as I watch him tie a final knot. "Teddahh!!" he hands me a little balloon cat. Instictually I pull it close to my chest, crying a bit more.
He looks down at me worried, then plops down next to me. "hun.... what's really gotcha down?"
"I-" I struggle to find words as I bawl into my palms. After some time I tell him whats been going on. he looks so understanding.
He stands up, reaching a hand down to me "Here, i wanna show you something." i hesitantly grab his hand and he leads me behind the tents. far away from other people. We arrive at a small tent, which he zips open and gestures for me to enter. i walk in to find a nice mattress and lots of cushions.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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