Chapter 1

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“Ahooo!” I yelled as I came to a sudden stop in the snow covered mountains.

I called my brothers for back up.

As they lined up behind me. They started howling, stomping and teasing the “defenseless” wolf in front of me, I told them to be quiet.

I was the Alpha. The master, the leader of my own pack. My brothers kneeled before me and took in in my astonishing presence. We all surrounded the enemy, Galleon. He was caught off guard and without his pack, this was the perfect moment to attack.He bit onto his paw like it some sort of food and his eyes became glossy. He shook like a chiwawa;concerned and desperation filled his eyes. He wanted to escape, we all knew this, but he couldn’t.

It was six against one, anyone who had the right mind would know that you couldn’t escape when six of the fastest and top wolves were around you, it was impossible.

He stood there looking at the sky wishing there was someone who could save him but no one could; he brought this upon himself. He betrayed us, he told- Alexis- the wind shadow packs leader about our secret health lake.He was bound to get caught betraying us sooner or later. I knew I shouldn’t have helped his pack live after Mercy killed half of his population and injured him as well as his remaining soldiers.

I remember that day as if it were yesterday; Galleon came limping towards my territory along with about six other wolves. They all were badly injured, one of the young wolves looked as if someone were trying to cook him. His fur was gone and his skin underneath was exposed; it was pitch black and a midnight blue hue. Others were bleeding non-stop. Blood was dripping out of their bodies as if it were water, their fur were practically ripping off their bodies ,inch by inch; some wolves were literally dragging their fur along the cold, wet, icy soil.

I, being a new Alpha, found some pity in my heart and saved them all. My pack and I pushed all the wolves into the health lake and after a couple of minutes, they came out brand new! I regret doing something to help them, they should have died! But as a new Alpha I didn’t have sufficient experience to make wise choices. So I guess I can’t blame myself.

I shook my head, getting the image of Galleon begging me for help out of my mind and started to concentrate on my problem in hand.  

We all jerked forward;wanting to get his attention. He jumped, put his head down and covered his fragile face; he looked as if he was ready for his punishment.

After a couple of minutes, I finally jumped in and sank my bullet proof teeth into his lean body. I hated the taste of fresh wod blood in my mouth but this was something I needed to do.

“Yeeeppp!” Galleon cried.

His dark brown hair was turning a deep amber;his honey eyes turned gray and the blood dripping from his shoulder soon gushed out as if a dam had been destroyed and the river ran wildly again.

I sank my teeth deeper into his shoulder and dragged my teeth downward, his shoulder was soon out of place.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2014 ⏰

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