Chapter one : The beggining

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(Your POV)
Your in your bedroom thinking how your first day at your new school is going to be, you grab your backpack and head to your kitchen, you see your mother is making pancakes for you.

You ask your mother about how is father doing, she says "Well honey your father he... he died, I knew if I told you that would ruin your first day at your new school."
You stand there in shock, your father is dead you wanted to ask you mother how long he's been dead but you left to go to school.

You made it to school but you were hungry, you looked for the principles office soon enough you found the principles office, you walked into the room to see a person that looks like a mouse and a cat he said to you "Hello I'm principal Nezu and what may your name be?"
You respond with "hi I'm( Y/N) (L/N) I'm the transfer student."
Nezu looks at you and says "ah yes you must be here for you schedule, here" he hands you a paper that has your class your in.

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