Dabio Breaks You Free

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Minutes before release 2:56 A.M.

3rd person prespective

A few weeks ago you were kidnapped by Donita and taken to her evil lair. While there you met Dabio.

You loved that man. But what he thought of you was a mystery. He made your mind go wild.

His massive build. His golden locks. His incredibly strong chin. And that bulge! You could tell he was not only an alpha, but he also was packin.

Dabio Pov

Its now 3 am. I've decided to let Y/N go. I couldn't just watch a man I've grown to like rot in a cell. I mean, we played monopoly!

Donita is asleep and has been for 5 hours, i gave her some strong alcohol so everything should be smooth sailing from here.

I opened the basement where we keep Y/N and opened his cell. He was so cute when he was sleeping.

I still woke him up though and told him everything.

"Huh D-Dabio? Why are you waking me?" Y/N said.

Here goes nothing.

"Look Y/N, I really like you. You're a great friend and guy. I can't just watch you die down here. So I've elected to break you out. So please, please come with me Y/N."

I saw Y/N's facial expression change from a confused one to a joyous one. He grabbed onto my burly back and i carried him to the secret exit.


Dabio carried me to a bookshelf that then opened up. It led to an old dusty hallway. He took me through the hallway it got darker and darker as we went through.

Eventually, we made it to the outside world where a saw a ship that looked like a turtle.

It was the Kratt brothers ship! They came out and thanked Dabio for freeing me. As he slipped a paper down my pocket.

We embraced for a final time, as he entered Donita's lair.


I took out the paper i got from Dabio. It was his phone number. I couldn't wait to call him later!

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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Dabio (Wild Kratts) X Male Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now