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It was finally over. Voldemort was dead. "Permanently dead. Dead forever",Harry muttered to himself. Thinking about the people who sacrificed their lives took all the happiness out of the victory. 'Would Voldemort spared all the people if he had surrendered before the fight started', he wondered.

"No mate, the git was pure evil. He would still have slaughtered people", came a voice from the portrait entrance. Harry looked up to see Ron standing at the Gryffindor common room entrance. "I know you were wondering whether he would have spared us if you had sacrificed yourself earlier. He wouldn't. A few, possibly. But eventually more would have died", he said walking in and sitting opposite Harry.

"I'm just a mudblood Harry. The Weasleys are blood traitors. Hagrid, Flitwick, the Centaurs, House Elves are creatures. Only the purebloods would have survived. The ones who align with the dark side. Everyone who fought knew the consequence. They knew of the price. They still fought because the freedom was worth the price. Don't insult them thinking this way. Appreciate what we have now because of their sacrifice", said Hermione who walked in behind Ron.

The three sat in a silence, they didn't need words to feel the companionship after seven years. "I bet you are going to attend Hogwarts next year to complete your education", Ron said to Hermione. She didn't reply him immediately. "Yes, I will. And you should as well. Education is very important", she replied.

"Come on Hermione, we could get into any office now. We are the Heroes of this war. How many NEWTs we score aren't going to matter", replied Ron.

"On the contrary, the knowledge you gain can mean the difference one day", replied Hermione.

"I'm going to the kitchens to grab a sandwich. You guys want to join me?", asked Harry putting a stop to the budding argument. Everyone in the Gryffindor tower knew that argument between Ron & Hermione should never be allowed to grow.

Surprising them both it was Ron who replied, "Nah, I'm good. I want to sleep on a proper bed without worry about the war, Voldemort and all". Seeing Harry and Hermione looking at him as though he had grown a second head he continued, "I'm not always eating guys. I eat only when hungry". Then under his breath he whispered just loud enough that Harry & Hermione caught it, "which is a lot more time than you guys". Laughing at his best mate, Harry turned to Hermione, who nodded and said, "I want to check in on the house elves. Not sure if anybody bothered to check if any have sustained injuries. They did indeed join the fight, didn't they?"

Together Harry and Hermione walked down towards the basement kitchen in silence. Harry and Hermione had never needed much words to communicate. Being the loners in the muggle world while growing up, they understood each other well. 'Why did I fight so much with her?', thought Harry, 'And that too for a mere broomstick'. Meanwhile Hermione took to her thought train how she had treated him the last year when they were at Hogwarts. 'He followed instructions from a book, the fact that the book had different hand-noted instructions is not his fault. He didn't cheat. Why did I treat him so harshly? He was still there to let me cry on his shoulder when I needed. Am I being too selfish and bossy?, she wondered.

"Sorry for taking you for granted all these years Hermione. You deserved better than how Ron and I treated you. Had it not been for you, I would have died multiple times before the end of each year. Thanks for being a good friend", said Harry.

Hermione stopped short and harry followed suit after taking a couple of steps. "I'm sorry for being too bossy Harry. I was also thinking about how harsh I treated you last year", she said. When Harry was about to wave her apology off, she pressed on. "No Harry, I was rude to you for most of the year. Over a simple book. Maybe I was jealous of you getting better marks than me in one of the subjects. I was too bossy all through these years. It was a shield during my chidhood, to keep others at a distance, to make sure I'm not getting hurt. But here I had a great friend in you, I should have toned it down. I guess I got so used to being bossy in my primary school that I continued it without realizing". She walked up to Harry and took him in a tight hug crushing him. Placing a kiss on his cheek, she moved back and repeated what Harry said a minute back. "Thanks for being my friend. Even if you won't acknowledge it, you saved me, you saved a lot of people almost every year here".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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