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It's been a two whole days, since Ana left.

And I need a shower. Perhaps this agony will wash away in the shower.

The pain in my gut twists and tightens.

She's gone, Grey. Get used to it.

And drawing on years of enforced control,

"What the hell have you done, asshole?" I sneer at him. He mouths the words back at me with vitriolic contempt. And the bastard blinks at me, big gray eyes raw with misery.

"She's better off without you. You can't be what she wants. You can't give her what she needs. She wants hearts and flowers. She deserves better than you, you fucked-up prick." Repulsed by the image glowering back at me, I turn away from the mirror.

I will handle this better from my seat of power. As I enter my study, I examine and trace the edges of my model glider, knowing that Ana's fingers have touched it. My sweet Anastasia.

What a contrast you are to all the women I've known. The only woman I've ever chased, and the one woman who can't give me what I want.

I don't understand.

I've come alive since I've known her. These last few weeks have been the most exciting, the most unpredictable in my life. I've been enticed from my monochrome world into one rich with color—and yet she can't be what I need.

I don't eat, I drink again. I gaze up at the bedroom ceiling. Sleep eludes me.


You are one fucked-up son of a bitch.

Ana's words ring in my head.

Like his.


I need to see Flynn. The nightmares are worse than ever.

I just had an emergency session with Flynn- the expensive charlatan as Ana calls him. I take a sip of my cognac. He gaven me a lot to think about.

Could I?

Could I have a vanilla relationship with Anastasia?

If I could, would she want me back?

Why would she want me back? Could I ever be what she wants me to be? I won't let go of my hope. I need to find a way. I need her.

IN THE BACK OF the Audi, I plot. I need to get up close and personal with Ana Steele, to begin my campaign to win her back.

I think Anastasia will respond better in writing; she always has. How to begin?

From: Christian Grey

Subject: Tomorrow

Date: June 8 2011 8:05

To: Anastasia Steele

Dear Anastasia

How are you?

I'm sorry more than you will ever guess. I understand that you have every reason to ignore me but please give me a chance to talk to you. In the last few weeks I've came to life. U are the sunshine of my dark life. I want you back in my life. I want try it your way. No rules no punishments. I need you. Please talk to me.

Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

No reply...

3 days later, No reply yet,

I am dying to see her, talk to her. Her voice is music to my ears and balm to my broken heart, with her I seem to forget what a mess my life is.

I just need to hear her voice.

Dials her number,

Ana please pick up the call,

Tries once again.

Ana: Hello, who is this?

Christian is just overwhelmed to hear her voice.

Ana: May I know,...............

The line goes dead.

I have a strange feeling about this call, Why did she disconnect it?

I speed dial Taylor.

"Taylor I want you to visit Miss Steele at her apartment right now."

"Mr grey"

30 minutes since he left.

The phone buzzes, it is taylor

"Mr grey I am taking Miss Steele to the hospital."

My heart pauses, I'm out of my office in a second.

"Taylor what happened to her?"

"Mr grey " He hesitates "Miss Steele fell down the stairs and has lost a lot of blood"

I'm in my car, racing towards the hospital.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

A disclaimer- I don't own any characters, all the characters will be same as that of the trilogy, I'm in love with the trilogy, I had to write my own fan-fiction.

Don't forget to comment. Let me know if you guys want me to continue.

I have read numerous ff, if the starting resembles with any story let me know, I wrote this a long time ago and don't remember from where I got the initial few lines, I don't mean offend anyone, please let me know if anyone has any objection.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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