Soul Ties

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Have you ever given a piece of yourself away to someone that you can never get back? If only I would have known that you would disappear into the night never to be seen again. I don't have a lot to offer, but I gave you all I had. You made me feel beautiful. I never saw my body as something beautiful or something to be proud of... until you came along. You suddenly appeared and shook my world and rocked my life. You effortlessly put a smile on my face. I will never forget the way you held me at night. The sweet taste of your lips and your smell on my sheets. How you would give me your t-shirt in the mornings so we could make breakfast together. The way you held me when all the air had left my lungs. You cried with me and listened to my stories and showed me true kindness. The night we met, you told me that you had never met anyone like me before. You said that you never wanted to let me go. You gave me assurance that you were here to stay. You told me that I was perfect. Amazing. Beautiful. I believed you. I trusted you. You held me and looked me in the eyes with the smile that melted my heart and said "yeah, but you are just damaged goods". But... I thought I was perfect? I thought I was Amazing? Beautiful...? Were those just lies? I thought you were different. I thought you saw me for more than my body. I thought you cared about me. But I guess you are just a liar. You told me that you hated the men who used to hurt me and used me for their own gratification... but... you are just the same as them. You saw me as a lonely girl who longed to be loved. You told me I was special, but special is just a word you use to get what you want. I gave you a piece of my body... a piece of my soul... and now I will forever be tied to you, no matter how badly I want to be disconnected.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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