Under the Mistletoe

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Shingeki No Kyojin or any of the characters
Pairing: Eren x Armin
Warning: If you can't handle the word fuck, get out. Also yes, Eremin is a gay ship
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~Merry Christmas, and enjoy!~

Armin waited impatiently for the light in front of him to change, his finger tapping on the steering wheel as he watched even more cars fly past him.

"Come on." He muttered to himself, watching as the last car drove through before stepping on the gas and driving through the intersection.

"All I want for Christmas is you." The music floated from the car radio, reaching Armin's ears and pushing his last button. Turning on his left blinker, he turned sharply into a vacant lot, lit only by a flickering street light, which hardly helped at all with the snow falling down at a mile a minute.

Parking in the closest parking spot, he rested his head on the steering wheel, letting two stray tears fall from his eyes and drop onto his legs. His body shuddered as sobs escaped his trembling lips, more tears rushing to his eyes.

"Fuck!" He cried, punching the steering wheel and squeezing his eyes shut, releasing the last of his tears.

Two years. Two years since his grandpa had died, two years since Eren had left, and two years since he had last had a Merry Christmas.

He remembered his grandpas death, the terror he had felt when he saw the mangled car, and the person being pulled out of it. The blood, too much of it, everywhere. His lifeless eyes staring at nothing, never to see again. Nothing could erase that memory from his mind, and nothing could bring him back either.

The memories from the house he had lived in with his grandpa had become too much, so he eventually had to let the house go, and move into an apartment.

A couple months later, when Armin heard the news that Eren was leaving, forced to go live with some relative Eren didn't like, in some place Eren hated that was too far away for Armin to visit, because his mom couldn't take care of him anymore, he cracked. It was too soon after his grandpa, he couldn't deal with that much pain. Why couldn't his mom just fucking get a better job? Why?

He knew it was selfish of him to be angry. It must have been even worse for Eren, leaving everything he knew to go somewhere he didn't want to go. But why so far away? He had to have closer relatives.

He knew how a long distance relationship would work, and he couldn't do it, so he ended it. They seemed to barely talk anymore, leaving a huge gap.

It was after Eren left that the depression started. Armin struggled more and more to smile, to hold back his tears over the littlest things. Hardly a day went by where he didn't think of Eren or his grandpa, or cry about them.

Despite all this, he still remembered the good times. With his friends, before they were swept away into the chaos of growing up, his witty old grandpa, and most of all, Eren. Every moment they had shared was heaven, but he could never get that back now.

There was one memory he would never forget. The last time he had been truly happy, before his life had turned against him.

It was Christmas Eve, two years earlier. He was with Eren, who had been gone the previous week, forced to go visit someone he didn't even know with him mom.

Armin let another tear fall from his eye as the memory flashed across his mind.

* * *

Armin stood at the window, gazing through the frosty pane at the snow dancing through the sky in the crisp night air outside.

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