Meatting the Traphouse

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*arriving to hawaii/at your new house* y/n: finally here hmm maybe I should go to the beach later *after unpacking* y/n: ok done now I can go to the beach *later at the beach* y/n: I love the sunset here in hawaii now imma go by the ocean *your by the ocean and you see a couple* y/n: Hey you guys *they look at you* them: oh hey y/n: what are you guys doing here at this time them: you know just hanging out like all couples do y/n oh cool I wish I had someone to do that with Sam: I'm Sam and this is Katrina y/n: I'm y/n Kat: here's our number and maybe we can hang out again y/n: ok and it was nice meeting you guys SnK: you to bye y/n: bye *the next day and texting Kat abt hanging out* y/n: ok now all I have to do is get ready *after getting ready* y/n: ok done *Kat's calling you* y/n: hello Kat: I'll pick you up so you don't have to drive y/n: oh ok thanks Kat: yeah np *Kat picks you up and drives to the traphouse* y/n: nice house Kat: yeah I know right but it's not mine y/n: oh so it's Sam's Kat: yeah *you and Kat gets out of the car and hose to the front door*someone opens the door* Kat: hey colby Colby: hey Kat and who's this Kat: this is y/n, y/n this is Colby y/n: hey Colby Colby: hey y/n *Kat and you walk in the house* Kat: hey everyone this is y/n  Jake,Corey,Tara and Sam: hi y/n y/n: hi everyone Kat: hey y/n talk to everyone and get to know them a bit better y/n: and Sam your boyfriend? Kat: yes just don't flirt with him y/n: ok and I won't I promise *after talking and meeting everyone* Jake&Corey: where's Colby? Sam: he's probably in his room Jake: well one of us should go get him Corey: y/n can get him y/n: umm sure I'll go get him *you go upstairs to Colby's room* y/n: *knocks* umm hey Colby *while opening slowly* Colby *you say in a quiet voice* *you see him sleeping on he's bed shirtless* y/n: uhh *as you start turning around to the door you hear him say who's there* y/n: umm me y/n Colby: *as he starts to get up* what are you doing in here y/n: Jake and Corey wanted me to get you and I saw you sleeping so I was going to head back and let you sleep Colby: oh ok and come here y/n: um ok *you close the door and go by Colby* what did you need Colby: here's my number if you want to hang out or just chill out y/n: oh ok thanks Colby: yeah np and I'll go change and I'll come down stairs y/n: ok see you there *you get out of his room and goes downstairs* Corey: where is he y/n: he's coming he's just changing Corey: oh ok Jake: and what took forever y/n: he was sleeping but then he woke up Jake: that boy sleep so early Sam: yeah I know right Kat: what's wrong with him sleeping early Tara: yeah what's wrong with it Jake: me Sam and Corey want to hang out with him when you guys aren't here but we can't cuz he's asleep *all of us hear Colby coming downstairs* Colby: what's going on Jake: nothing Colby: ok then Tara: let's play a game y/n: oh what kind Tara: Truth or dare everyone: ok Tara: I'll start it Kat truth or dare Kat: truth Tara: who do you like besides Sam Kat: as a friend? Tara: yeah Kat: ofc you and y/n Tara: ok Kat your turn Kat: y/n truth or dare y/n: hmm dare Kat: ohh your that type of person anyways I dare you to kiss Colby y/n: *you turn red* uhh ok *Colby grabs your hip and you pull his face in towards you and his lips touches yours* y/n: ok done (Colby's mind: that kiss was great and her lips were so smooth I just want to do it again) Kat: OMG I didn't expect you to actually do it and it's your turn y/n: Jake truth or dare Jake: dare y/n: I dare you to drink a spoon full of lemon juice Jake: ha bet y/n: bet *Jake goes in the kitchen grabs a spoon and lemon juice* y/n: 3 2 1 now! *Jake drinks it then makes a face* *everyone laughs* y/n: ok Jake your turn Jake: Colby truth or dare Colby: dare Jake: I dare you to kiss Sam on the lips like how Solby was meant to be Colby: alright *Colby grabs Sam and kisses him on the lips* Kat: this is so awkward y/n&Tara yeah Colby: done Sam: sorry Kat,y/n and Tara that you had to see that Jake: it's your turn Colby Colby: Sam truth or dare Sam: truth Colby: who do you hate the most in this room Sam: no one I love you all Colby: ok then your turn Sam: Tara truth or dare Tara: truth Sam: is it true that you love Jake as your boyfriend Tara: yes I love Jake he's like everything to me Jake: aw you to Tara y/n that was cute Colby:*whispered* you are too y/n: what did you say Colby Colby: what I didn't say anything y/n: ok moving on Tara: Corey trust or dare Corey: dare Tara: I dare you to y/n: TARA! Tara: what y/n y/n: I got a good one *you go to Tara and say dare Corey to get back with Devon* Tara: wait how do you know know y/n: she's my best friend Tara: NO WAY Corey I dare you to get back with Devon Corey: That's Impossible y/n not if you try *as you sit down* Corey: ok I'll try y/n,Kat and Tara: YAY!!! Sam,Jake&Colby girls chill out y/n,Tara&Kat right sorry *Corey calls Devon* Devon: hello? Corey: hey...can I tell you something Devon: sure what's up? Corey: I was thinking if we could get back together.. Devon: sure I would love to y/n,Kat&Tara: OMG YES Corey: ok I'll call you later bye Devon: bye Corey: OMG thank you Tara Tara: that was not my idea that was y/n's idea Corey: Thank you y/n*Corey hugs you, you hug back* y/n: np and we all should go to sleep like look at Colby *everyone laugh* Sam: yeah we all should gn everyone everyone: gn *Sam and Katrina goes upstarts* *Jake and Tara goes to jakes room* *Corey goes to his room* *you wake up Colby to bring him in his room* Colby: where are you gonna sleep y/n: in the living room Colby: no sleep here with me y/n: ok then *you get in with Colby and you look the opposite way of him and then sleeps.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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Meeting the Traphouse Episode 1 season 1Where stories live. Discover now