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Frederique Estrabao's death has touched our hearts

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Frederique Estrabao's death has touched our hearts. The culprit has not been arrested. This case is almost impossible to solve, as are many other cases related to or committed by the California Ripper. After many requests, the case of Estrabao Lima has been reopened. It has been cold due to the assaults and deaths of the last few months. This famous serial killer, apparently, always has everything planned. He always seems to be one step ahead of the police. There aren't many clues to incriminate him. Frederique's mysterious case has been cold for almost a year. His family, friends, neighbors, fans and acquaintances are devastated by his death and want justice.

His siblings, Marcus and Rose Marie, have not said a word about the events. They are supposed to be in mourning, each one separately.

"We are full of cases that we must solve first. Like the family of Frederique Estrabao, we have many other families lined up who want justice for their loved ones who have been victims of the California Ripper. As head of the Los Angeles Police Department, I ask for your patience. We are doing everything in our power to solve all the cases we have at our disposal," said LAPD Chief William Brown at a recent press conference at the RamsCo building in Los Angeles. Many of the questions asked by reporters present were avoided, but Chief William Brown gave us information about Marcus Estrabao, the victim's brother. "Citizens of Los Angeles, we ask for your patience and understanding. Our lead homicide detective and serial killer expert, Detective Marcus Estrabao, is unavailable right now. His brother, as you all know, was the recent victim of the Ripper. He has been granted indefinite leave to grieve for his brother. This investigation will be handled by the second in command, Detective Kennedy Brown. As head of the LAPD, I advise you to stay home and take care of yourselves as much as possible. We are in danger."

At least Marcus took his time. But we don't know anything about his sister, Rose Marie Estrabao, who lives and works in the Republic of Panama.

For more information, see the following articles from this week.

Elizabeth Miller, RamsCo Los Angeles.


I couldn't believe what my eyes were reading. "How could Freddy be dead?" I thought. My mouth was open, my tongue was dry, my mind was blank, my cell phone was in my paralyzed hand, I dropped my spleen of water that was holding my other hand. My eyes were the only ones that could move. I looked everywhere. I was paralyzed and a tear came down my right cheek. 

A call came in, and with it my body reacted. I placed my cell phone on the table closest to me and picked up the pieces of glass that were lying on the floor. When I finished cleaning up the mess I had made, the call ended. I sat down and noticed that blood was dripping from one of my fingers. I quickly ran to get some alcohol and a bandage to heal the wound. At that, another call comes in. I take the cell phone with my healthy hand and look at the name on the small screen. Boss Eitan, and the devil's emoji. "What does he want now?" I asked myself. "Good morning boss!" I answered excitedly. "Jose Luis, I have a job exclusively for you. You will go to Los Angeles. With all expenses paid. You're the best journalist I have. You'll work with the LAPD, you'll have the answers everyone wants at your disposal. With all the information you gather, I want you to write articles about the YouTuber's death that everybody's talking about on social media. But I want you to hurry.I don't want PardoCo to write one first. "B..." I was interrupted "No buts. I don't want PardoCo to write one first. You have the first flight to Los Angeles tomorrow morning. Good luck." He closed the call and I didn't say bye.

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