What is wrong with me!

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I really dont know what is wrong with me, its weird because every time i see,talk,or pass by soul I start blushing. This is the first time I have done/feel this,I wonder what is wrong with me. So I am in my last class, I cant wait so get out. And when i do i cant stop because I will run into soul, then that thing will happen.RING RING! YES the school bell rang, I got all my stuff and ran out of class. But while i was running I bumped into someone. When I looked up it was............ SOUL! I started blushing. Then Soul said " Maka are you ok, your blushing." I didn't know what to say so I just stood there slient. Then Blackstar came and said "Maka, are you starting to fall in love with Soul, or what." I started to blush even harder, I was about to say something. But Soul said "Blackstar stop messing with Maka." When he said that I blushed even harder. Then Blackstar said " Calm down Soul, I wasn't going to hurt your princess." Then i finally had the courage to look up at Soul, then I seen Soul blushing! Then he said " Blackstar dont say that!'' , and he starting running after Blackstar. While I stood there speachless, *inner thoughts* Soul was acually blushing, does that he mean he likes me. Then I shook my head and said " Noway he would like a flat chested girl like me." Then Tsubaki came up to me and said " What was that Maka" ,then I said " Nothing!'' Then Tsubaki said " Your lieing Maka, tell me what is wrong." I said " Fine but right now isn't a good time meet me at my apartment in 2 hours." She smiled and said " Ok" , then i walked to my apartment. Then two hours later Tsubaki came. Then I tolled Tsubaki what happed between me, Soul, and Blackstar. Then she said " I'm happy for you Maka, it means Soul likes you." Then i said " Do you think so, I mean like will he ask me out." She said " Maybe he will." Then i was happy thanks to Tsubaki, then she said " Well i need to go before Blackstar makes a mess in the house", then I said bye to Tsubaki,and went to bed.

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