Q & A

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If you have questions, please comment on them, and I will update this to answer it.

Can anyone sign up?: Yes, anyone and everyone is more than welcome to join and have their work shared.

How does this work?: First, you need to ask yourself what are you working to promote. Are you trying to promote yourself, your work, maybe a community that your passionate about or maybe it's a contest that way it can speed things up so the judges can start well judging. 

Once you decided what you want to do you look at the table of contacts. You'll be looking for sections called community, self-promote, book advertising, and contest promoting.

Within each section will have different information on how matters will be run.

How will I know I'm getting results from this?: Yes, this is the true question that everyone should be asking. So, I've thought about this for a bit and here's my idea.

The votes and comments will be used differently here. Votes will mean that the reader has read the entire chapter. Now if that person is interested they HAVE TO COMMENT AT LEAST SOMETHING. I don't care if it's just a dot. The commentary will let the author know that someone had seen their book and became interested. This will give a clear view of how many people are seeing the author's story from another platform.

THIS CAN ONLY WORK IF WE ALL WORK TOGETHER. If you have another way, please feel free to share.

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