An unparalleled devotion of Lord Hanuman

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I would like to mention one incident which took place during the period of Lord Rama.

After completing the purpose of his birth, one day Lord Rama held a talk with kaladevan and decided to leave away his body.

His brother Lakshman succumbed to death while he heard their conversation secretly. Bharatha and Shatrughan decided to depart along with his brother Rama.

One day Lord Ramar called Hanuman and asked him to search his lost ring. And then, Hanuman started to search and finally, he reached unfathomed depth where he had seen kaladevar.

Kaladevar described him about the reason behind the action of Lord Rama. Hanuman understood the reality and he came back. Lord Rama couldn't able to leave without informing to Hanuman.

Lord Rama called hanuman and said that if he wish to come along with him, he can come with him to Vaikuntam.

Subsequently, hanuman asked Lord Ramar in what form he would be there at Vaikuntam.

Ramar told that he would be in vishnu form, Seethai would be in the form of mahalakshmi, lakshmana would be in aadhiseshan form, bharatha and shatrughan would be in the form of sangu and chakkaram.

Hanuman said doubtlessly that he wants to see Lord Ramar and Seethai in that form itself.

In addition to that, he said that he wants to live his life by reciting the lord Rama's name as well as by watching the others who have been reciting the Lord Rama's name.

He sought blessings from Lord Ramar for accomplishing the task. And the Lord Ramar was impressed by Hanuman's great devotion.

Ramayanam - An Unparalleled Devotion of HanumanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ