Chapter 1

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Kirishima POV-

I was speaking with my boyfriend! Markus was his name, I love him so much but lately he's been very distant and I don't know why..... should I talk to him?...... no it's fine.
Suddenly I see a text of my boyfriends mother. Why is she texting me??? I unlock my phone and see the message that says.
"Hello kirishima did u know that Markus is dating Emily!! Their so cute!!"
My heart sunk into my stomach when I saw what she had said. We didn't tell his mother because she didn't support our relationship so we kept it a secret.
I decided to text my boyfriend and ask him.
"Hey! Your mom just texted me and said ur dating Emily??"

"Oh.....well it's true sorry"

"Oh..... ok.... do u still love me?"

"Eh.... your kinda bland and annoying so not really"


"Yeah I think we should brake up"

"Oh ok"
After that I started crying. I couldn't stop the tears from falling.
"Please..... someone help"
I called out for help..... but no one answered. I started to lose my breath..... "I c-cant b-breath...... p-please!" This lasted for a few hours until I had no more tears to cry, I ended up just falling asleep on my pillow drenched with tears.

A few weeks past and I hadn't eaten properly in days. I didn't have to go to school because it was summer brake, so I just stayed in my room. My parents didn't question it they just thought I was studying.

I was lying in my bed when I suddenly got a notification on my phone. It was an invitation group chat. I was really confused since no one really spoke to me but I joined anyway.

Red riot-"hi??"

Pikachu-"oh yaaay she joined"

Tape boi-"yay!"

Red riot-"umm hi?? Why am I here??"

Lord explosion murder-"these extras saw and enforcement ur profile and thought u looked cool, I don't see what the fuss is about"

Red riot-"rude -_-"

Pikachu-"just ignore him, we do"

Tape boi-"yeah you'll get used to him"

Red riot-"hmm ok"

Lord explosion murder-"u have a death wish dunce face"

Pikachu-"uh.... sorry man"

Red riot-"wow your a bit of an asse hole arnt you"

Lord explosion murder-"shut it extra"

Red riot-"u can't just call people extras idiot -_- that can be really offensive"

Lord explosion murder-"tsk..... whatever"

Pikachu-"wait did bakubro just listen to someone :0"

Tape boi-"dude I think bakugou has a crush!!!"


Red riot-" well I'm not interested in dating rn anyway.... I just got out of a relationship so no thanks"

Lord explosion murder-"who would like u anyway extra"

Pikachu-"bro that's a little mean"

Lord explosion murder-"shut up dunce face, anyway I'm going to bed see u extras"

Tape boi-"dude it's only 8pm? U really have a bed time?"

Red riot-"maybe he wants to be responsible?"

Pikachu-"bakugou responsible? Pfft!!"

Lord explosion murder-"unlike u losers I want to be the greatest hero better than all might do I need to look after my self"

Red riot-"you wanna be a hero? Cool! I gave up in that dream along time ago....."

Lord explosion murder-"why?"

Red riot-" I didn't have what it takes"

Lord explosion murder-"giving up is for losers...... not giving up means your strong"

Red riot-"oh wow..... thanks ummm bakugou is it??"

Lord explosion murder-" yeah whatever, I'm going to bed bye"

After that I put my phone away.
He's right..... I am a loser. Crimson riot wouldn't of given up..... I'm no hero.... I need a new start maybe a new hair style? I could train and try to get my quirk stronger. Yeah I'll do that!! Thanks bakugou!!

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