They also make good strudel

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Ozzfest, germany, 2017

Alexandra osbourne's POV

"And That was alex osbourne everybody!!" The announcer says,as my band follows me offstage. My heart is racing and adrenaline is rushing through my veins. My band wanders off but I collapse next to some stage equipment and breathe. It's been forever since i've performed. After I had my son michael, I almost quit the biz. But I didn't, I love music and I love playing music and singing.

Damn. Honestly I just got clean as well, so it's been a while since I performed sober. My light blue hair falls in my face and I impatiently push it back. A few moments after I close my eyes I hear a calm and collected voice say, "well james we have a dead body over here." I fling my eyes open. There is a really tall man covered in tattoos and wearing a leather jacket. He has dark spiky hair that reminds me of lisa simpson a bit. His eyes stare into me, making me slightly uncomfortable yet making me feel safe.

I notice the shirtless man behind him who seems amused. He must be james because the guy in front of me is nikki sixx. "Oh very funny, man It's been forever since I've performed. And I sure as hell have never performed completely sober or clean." I snap back, shifting my weight. "Allow me to help...m'lady." Nikki says in an overly fancy british voice. He holds out his hands. I notice 1958 scrawled on one hand, and sixx on the other.

I take the hand and then begin to walk away, ready to find my dad. "Hey!" Nikki calls. I turn around, almost annoyed. Almost, but he's hot as fuck, so I can't be truly annoyed. "You guys kicked ass." He says. "Thanks." I say, a grin crossing my face. I then trot off to find my dad, who is making out with my mum, while my two year old son is playing with wires. The wires are hooked to zakk wylde's guitar, Michael accidentally rips it out, and the guitar stops making sound. "Damn kid." Zakk says, not extremely angry.

Mum and dad stop french kissing and look at me. I look at them and fake gag. Kelly and jack do the same. Mum rolls her eyes. "You three are so immature." She chides. I pick up michael, as zakk plugs his guitar back in and shreds. "Okay alex I found you the perfect guy." Kelly says. I glare at her. "Kelly no offense but you have the absolute worst taste in guys." I say. She gives me an offended look. "Alex?" A voice asks. I turn around to see nikki. "Do you want to get some coffee?" He asks, suavely.

"Coffee?" I ask. He nods. "Thats absurd." I say. "Why?" He asks, confused. I pull my phone out and show him the time. "Because it's 3 am." I say.
"Well the place also makes a really awesome strudel."
"Fine, i'm in."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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