Chapter 1: Cardboard Box

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Cat's POV:
11:03 PM
I'm almost 3 months old now, I found this cardboard box that I can stay in for the night. I'm starving. I haven't ate for the last 2 days. I'm thirsty. There's nothing to drink. It's so dark. I'll try to find food.

11:15 PM
I'm tired, so tired. I haven't found any food, or water. I must return to my little cardboard box, the coolness of the night helps revive me. Where is it? Did I loose it? Where's my box? Did someone take it? I can't find it... What a shame, I guess I'm going to have to sleep on the ground again. I miss you mom, I really do.

Mom! You're back with food! It's a small amount of fish, it's tasty. Nom nom nom~. I have the best mom in the world! Are you bathing me again Mom? It tickles! Let's have a race, first one to cross the street wins. I run and run and run. I won! Mom is taking some time to reach me. She's been so slow the past few days, her body became so frail. Lights are approaching at a fast rate, it's a car! Mom! Mom! They hurt you, Mom. Please be okay, Mom. Please. Get up. Please. Mom. Mom? Mom? "You must continue, find a shelter, food, and water." Mom? Why are you so still? Mom. The world hasn't been nice to you Mom. They just picked her up and throw her in a plastic bag! That's my Mom! Humans are so cruel! I'll continue. I'll be brave like you. I promise. I love you Mom. Until we meet again.

5:27 AM
I promise Mom. I'll be brave like you. I'll find a shelter, food and water. I'm walking down the street, past homes and buildings. I'm walking, I'm walking, I'm walking. I found an open gate! But humans, they could hurt me like they hurt my Mom... I know, I'm sure I can live behind those potted plants. Yes. I can live there. I just need to find a cardboard box to sleep in. Is that a cardboard box? It is! It's right next to the door. I need to be careful, any human can hurt me. I just need to move it behind the potted plants. C'mon, I can do it. I did it! Now food and water. I can smell the faintest hint of fish in the garbage bin. It's small so I can reach it. I got it! I smell of garbage but that's not important, what's important is that I have food. I bring it near my small box to eat. It's a small amount but it'll do. Nom nom nom~. I need to find water now. It's my lucky day. I see water coming from under the potted plants! It's being catched by the plates underneath. I drank it. It was dirty but it was still water. A human steps out of the door. He's tall. He's wearing a t-shirt and jeans. He might hurt me. If I stay here and don't move maybe he won't notice me. I'll stay here for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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